Budaya Batak - Sejarah Batak
Tersebutlah dalam kitab-kitab suci bangsa Timur Tengah bahwa Adam, yang dianggap sebagai manusia pertama dan Nabi pertama, mulai mengembangkan generasinya bersama Siti Hawa, Nenek Moyang Manusia yang ditemukan kembali setelah didamparkan di daerah India dari Surga
Generasi berikutnya mulai melahirkan beberapa kelompok Bangsa. Bangsa Semetik kemudian menurunkan Bangsa Arab dan Israel yang selalu berperang. Khabarnya perpecahan kedua bangsa ini dimulai sejak Nabi Ibrahim. Bangsa Syam yang kemudian dikenal sebagai ras Aryan, menurunkan Bangsa Yunani dan Roma yang menjadi cikal bakal Eropa (Hitler merupakan tokoh ras ini yang ingin memurnikan bangsa Aryan di samping Bangsa Braminik yang chauvinistik dan menjadi penguasa kasta tinggi di agama Hindu), Nordik, Patan, Kaukasian, Slavia, Persia (Iran) dan India Utara (semisal Punjabi, Kashmir dan Gujarat) berkulit putih serta bule-bule lain sebangsanya.
Bangsa Negroid menurunkan bangsa Afrika dan beberapa bangsa berkulit hitam lainnya di dunia seperti Bangsa Dravidian (India berkulit Hitam), Papua, Samoa, Aborigin di Autralia, Asmat dan bangsa lain yang hidup di kepulauan Polinesia, Samudera Pasifik.
Bangsa Tatar menurunkan Ras Mongoloid yang terdiri dari bangsa Mongol; Cina, Korea, Uzbek, Tazik, Kazakh, Kazan di Rusia, bangsa Nomad penghuni Kutub Utara dan Selatan bermata cipit, Hokkian yang menjadi Konglomerat dan Mafia di Indonesia serta Bangsa Maya, Suku Indian dan lain sebagainya yang menjadi penduduk asli benua Amerika dan yang kedua; Ras Austronesia, yang menyebar di Madagaskar, Afrika, Batak; Proto Malayan dan Neo Malayan; Melayu, Jawa dan lain-lain.
Penyebaran populasi manusia terjadi paska “Tsunami” pertama atau dikenal sebagai Banjir Bah di jaman Nabi Nuh AS. Di jaman ini pula ada sebuah komunitas manusia yang konon mempunyai tinggi badan 15-30 meter punah ditelan banjir karena kesombongannya. Peneliti antropologi Amerika di awal abad 20 menemukan kembali bangsa ini di pedalaman Afrika, namun lokasinya dirahasiakan oleh pihak militer yang tertarik untuk mengambil sampel komunitas ini untuk rekayasa gen tentara AS. Penelitian juga diarahkan untuk menghidupkan kembali Bangsa Dinosaurus, sejenis binatang purba, yang juga mati tenggelam karena tidak sempat dan tidak ‘muat’ dimasukkan di kapal Nabi Nuh.
3000-1000 SM (Sebelum masehi)
Bangsa Batak yang merupakan bagian dari Ras Proto Malayan hidup damai bermukim di perbatasan Burma/Myanmar dengan India. Beberapa komunitas tersebut yang kemudian menjadi cikal-bakal bangsa adalah kelompok Bangsa Karen, Toradja, Tayal, Ranau, Bontoc, Meo serta trio Naga, Manipur, Mizoram. Tiga yang terakhir ini sekarang berwarga negara India. Adat istiadat mereka dan aksesoris pakaian yang dimiliki sampai sekarang masih mirp dengan pakaian Batak, misalnya pernik dan warna ulos.
Sifat dominan dari ras ini adalah kebiasaan hidup dalam Splendid Isolation di lembah lembah sungai dan di puncak-puncak pegunungan. Mereka sangat jarang membuat kontak bersifat permanen dengan pendatang yang berasal dari komunitas lainnya misalnya komunitas yang berada di tepi pantai, pesisir, yang saat itu banyak dipengaruhi oleh ideologi yang berbeda dengan mereka, misalnya Hinduisme (Yang disinyalir sebagai ajaran turunan dari agama Nabi Nuh AS), Zoroaster, Animisme gaya Yunani dan Romawi dan juga paham-paham baru seperti Buddha, Tao dan Shintoisme
Sifat tersebut masih membekas dan terus dipertahankan oleh orang-orang Batak hingga abad 19. Sampai saat ini, diperkirakan suku bangsa yang berasal dari ras ini masih mempertahankan kebiasaan ini, terutama Bangsa Tayal, bangsa pribumi di Taiwan, Orang-orang Bontoc dan batak Palawan penghuni pertama daerah Filipina.
1000 SM
Bangsa Mongol yang dikenal bengis dan mempunyai kemajuan teknologi yang lebih tinggi berkat hubungan mereka yang konsisten dengan berbagai bangsa mulai bergerak ke arah selatan. Di sana, keturunan mereka menyebut dirinya Bangsa Syan dan kemudian menciptakan komunitas Burma, Siam (Thai) dan Kamboja yang kemudian menjadi cikal-bakal negara.
Ras Proto Malayan mulai terdesak. Ketertutupan mereka menjadi bumerang karena teknologi mereka tidak up to date. Sebagian dari mereka kemudian mulai meninggalkan daerah-daerah tersebut, menempuh perjalanan untuk mencari daerah baru bahkan ke seberang lautan, di mana mereka akan menikmati hidup dalam ‘splendid isolation’ kembali.
Bangsa Bontoc bergerak ke daerah Filipina, Bangsa Toraja ke selatannya, Sulawesi. Di Filipina, Batak Palawan merupakan sebuah suku yang sampai sekarang menggunaka istilah Batak. Saudara mereka bangsa Tayal membuka daerah di kepulauan Formosa, yang kemudian, beberapa abad setelah itu, daerah mereka diserobot dan kedamaian hidup mereka terusak oleh orang-orang Cina nasionalis yang kemudian menamakannya Taiwan.
Yang lain, Bangsa Ranau terdampar di Lampung. Bangsa Karen tidak sempat mempersiapkan diri untuk migrasi, mereka tertinggal di hutan belantara Burma/Myanmar dan sampai sekarang masih melakukan pemberontakan atas dominasi Suku Burma atau Myamar yang memerintah.
Selebihnya, Bangsa Meo berhasil mempertahankan eksistensinya di Thailand. Bangsa Naga, Manipur, Mizo, Assamese mendirikan negara-negara bagian di India dan setiap tahun mereka harus berjuang dan berperang untuk mempertahankan identitas mereka dari supremasi bangsa Arya-Dravidian, yakni Bangsa India, yang mulai menduduki daerah tersebut karena over populasi.
Bangsa Batak sendiri, selain terdampar di Filipina, sebagian terdampat di kepulauan Andaman (sekarang merupakan bagian dari India) dan Andalas dalam tiga gelombang.
Yang pertama mendarat di Nias, Mentawai, Siberut dan sampai ke Pulau Enggano. Gelombang kedua terdampar di muara Sungai Simpang. Mereka kemudian bergerak memasuki pedalaman Pulau Andalas menyusuri sungai Simpang Kiri dan mulai mendirikan tempat di Kotacane. Komunitas ini berkembang dan membuat identitas sendiri yang bernama Batak Gayo. Mereka yang menyusuri Sungai Simpang Kanan membentuk Komunitas Batak Alas dan Pakpak. Batak Gayo dan Alas kemudian dimasukkan Belanda ke peta Aceh.
Mainstream dari Suku bangsa Batak mendarat di Muara Sungai Sorkam. Mereka kemudian bergerak ke pedalaman, perbukitan. Melewati Pakkat, Dolok Sanggul, dan dataran tinggi Tele mencapai Pantai Barat Danau Toba. Mereka kemudian mendirikan perkampungan pertama di Pusuk Buhit di Sianjur Sagala Limbong Mulana di seberang kota Pangururan yang sekarang. Mitos Pusuk Buhit pun tercipta.
Masih dalam budaya ‘splendid isolation’, di sini, Bangsa Batak dapat berkembang dengan damai sesuai dengan kodratnya. Komunitas ini kemudian terbagi dalam dua kubu. Pertama Tatea Bulan yang dianggap secara adat sebagai kubu tertua dan yang kedua; Kubu Isumbaon yang di dalam adat dianggap yang bungsu.
Sementara itu komunitas awal Bangsa Batak, jumlahnya sangat kecil, yang hijrah dan migrasi jauh sebelumnya, mulai menyadari kelemahan budayanya dan mengolah hasil-hasil hutan dan melakukan kontak dagang dengan Bangsa Arab, Yunani dan Romawi kuno melalui pelabuhan Barus. Di Mesir hasil produksi mereka, kapur Barus, digunakan sebagai bahan dasar pengawetan mumi, Raja-raja tuhan Fir’aun yang sudah meninggal. Tentunya di masa inilah hidup seorang pembawa agama yang dikenal sebagai Nabi Musa AS.
1000 SM – 1510 M
Komunitas Batak berkembang dan struktur masyarakat berfungsi. Persaingan dan Kerjasama menciptakan sebuah pemerintahan yang berkuasa mengatur dan menetapkan sistem adat.
Ratusan tahun sebelum lahirnya Nabi Isa Al Masih, Nabi Bangsa Israel di Tanah Palestina, Dinasti Sori Mangaraja telah berkuasa dan menciptakan tatanan bangsa yang maju selama 90 generasi di Sianjur Sagala Limbong Mulana.
Dinasti tersebut bersama menteri-menterinya yang sebagian besar adalah Datu, Magician, mengatur pemerintahan atas seluruh Bangsa Batak, di daerah tersebut, dalam sebuah pemerintahan berbentuk Teokrasi.
Dinasti Sorimangaraja terdiri dari orang-orang bermarga Sagala cabang Tatea Bulan. Mereka sangat disegani oleh Bangsa Batak di bagian selatan yang keturunan dari Tatea Bulan.
Dengan bertambahnya penduduk, maka berkurang pula lahan yang digunakan untuk pertanian, yang menjadi sumber makanan untuk mempertahankan regenerasi. Maka perpindahan terpaksa dilakukan untuk mencari lokasi baru. Alasan lain dari perpindahan tersebut adalah karena para tenaga medis kerajaan gagal membasmi penyakit menular yang sudah menjangkiti penduduk sampai menjadi epidemik yang parah.
Perpindahan diarahkan ke segala arah, sebagain membuka pemukiman baru di daerah hutan belukar di arah selatan yang kemudian bernama Rao, sekarang di Sumatera Barat. Beberapa kelompok di antaranya turun ke arah timur, menetap dan membuka tanah, sekarang dikenal sebagai Tanjung Morawa, daerah di pinggir Kota Medan.
450 M
Daerah Toba telah diolah dan dikelola secara luas oleh rakyat kerajaan tersebut. Mereka yang dominan terutama dari kubu Isumbaon, kelompok marga Si Bagot Ni Pohan, leluhur Annisa Pohan, menantu SBY, Presiden pilihan langsung pertama RI. Di daerah ini bermukim juga kaum Tatea Bulan yang membentuk kelompok minoritas terutama dari marga Lubis.
Sebagian dari Lubis terdesak ke luar Toba dan merantau ke selatan. Sebagain lagi menetap di Toba dan Uluan hingga kini. Keturunannya di Medan mendirikan banyak lembaga sosial terutama Pesantren Modern Darul Arafah di Pinggiran Kota Medan.
Di daerah Selatan kelompok marga Lubis harus bertarung melawan orang-orang Minang. Kalah. Perantauan berhenti dan mendirikan tanah Pekantan Dolok di Mandailing yang dikelilingi benteng pertahanan.
Mereka kemudian berhadapan dengan bangsa Lubu, Bangsa berkulit Hitam ras Dravidian yang terusir dari India, melalui Kepulauan Andaman berkelana sampai daerah muara Sungai Batang Toru. Bangsa Lobu tersingkir dan kemudian menetap di hutan-hutan sekitar Muara Sipongi. Bila di India Bangsa Arya meletakkan mereka sebagai bangsa terhina, ‘untouchable’; haram dilihat dan disentuh, maka nasib sama hampir menimpa mereka di sini. Saudara Bangsa Lubu, Bangsa Tamil migrasi beberapa abad kemudian, dari India Selatan, membonceng perusahaan-perusahaan Eropa dan membentuk Kampung Keling di Kerajaan Melayu Deli, Medan.
600 - 1200 M
Komunitas Batak di Simalungun memberontak dan memisahkan diri dari Dinasti Batak, Dinasti Sori Mangaraja di pusat. Mereka mendirikan kerajaan Nagur. Mereka ini keturunan Batak yang bermukim di Tomok, Ambarita dan Simanindo di Pulau Samosir. Di kemudian hari kerajaan Nagur di tangan orang Batak Gayo mendirikan kerajaan Islam Aceh.
Simalungun merupsakan tanah yang subur akibat bekas siraman lava. Siraman lava dan marga tersebut berasal dari ledakan gunung berapi terbesar di dunia, di zaman pra sejarah. Ledakan itu membentuk danau Toba. Orang Simalungun berhasil membudidayakan tanaman, selain padi yang menjadi tanaman kesukaan orang Batak; Pohon Karet.
Hasil-hasil pohon karet tersebut mengundang kedatangan ras Mongoloid lainnya yang mengusir mereka dari daratan benua Asia; orang-orang Cina yang sudah pintar berperahu pada zaman Dinasti Swi, 570-620 M. Di antaranya Bangsa Yunnan yang sangat ramah dan banyak beradaptasi dengan pribumi dan suku bangsa Hokkian, suku bangsa yang dikucilkan di Cina daratan, yang mengekspor tabiat jahat dan menjadi bajak laut di Lautan Cina Selatan.
Kolaborasi dengan bangsa Cina tersebut membentuk kembali kebudayaan maritim di masyarakat setempat. Mereka mendirikan kota pelabuhan Sang Pang To di tepi sungai Bah Bolon lebih kurang tiga kilometer dari kota Perdagangan. Orang-orang dari Dinasti Swi tersebut meninggalkan batu-batu bersurat di pedalaman Simalungun.
Di daerah pesisir Barat, Barus, kota maritim yang bertambah pesat yang sekarang masuk di Kerajaan Batak mulai didatangi pelaut-pelaut baru, terutama Cina, Pedagang Gujarat, Persia dan Arab. Pelaut-pelaut Romawi Kuno dan Yunani Kuno sudah digantikan oleh keturunan mereka pelaut-pelaut Eropa yang lebih canggih, dididikan Arab Spanyol. Islam mulai diterima sebagai kepercayaan resmi oleh sebagian elemen pedagang Bangsa Batak yang mengimpor bahan perhiasan dan alat-alat teknologi lainnya serta mengekpor ‘Kemenyan’ komoditas satu-satunya tanah Batak yang sangat diminati dunia.
Islam mulai dikenal dan diterima sebagai agama resmi orang-orang Batak di pesisir; khusunya Singkil dan Barus.
850 M
Kelompok Marga Harahap dari Kubu Tatea Bulan, bekas populasi Habinsaran bermigrasi massal ke arah Timur. Menetap di aliran sungai Kualu dan Barumun di Padang Lawas. Kelompok ini sangat hobbi berkuda sebagai kendaraan bermigrasi.
Karena ini, dalam jangka waktu yang singkat, sekitar dua tahun, mereka sudah menguasai hampir leuruh daerah Padang Lawas antara sungai Asahan dan Rokan. Sebuah daerah padang rumput yang justru sangat baik untuk mengembangbiakkan kuda-kuda mereka.
Sebagain dari kelompok marga ini, melalui Sipirok, menduduki daerah Angkola dan di sini tradisi mengembala dan menunggang kuda hilang, mereka kembali menjadi komunitas agraris. Sementara di Padang Lawas mereka menjadi penguasa feodalistik dan mulai emmeprkenalkan perdagangan budak ke Tanah Batak Selatan.
900 M
Marga Nasution mulai tebentuk di Mandailing. Beberapa ratus tahun sebelumnya, sejak tahun-tahun pertama masyarakat Batak di sini, disinyalir saat itu zaman Nabi Sulaiman di Timur Tengah (Buku Ompu Parlindungan), perbauran penduduk dengan pendatang sudah menjadi tradisi di beberapa tempat, khusunya yang di tepi pantai.
Penduduk dataran tinggi, para pendatang di pelabuhan Natal dan Muaralabu (dikenal dengan sebutan Singkuang atau Sing Kwang oleh ejaan Cina), dan terutama elemen-elemen bangsa Pelaut Bugis dari Sulawesi, yang singgah sebelum berlayar berdagang menuju Madagaskar, telah berasimilasi dengan penuh toleransi dengan bangsa Batak.
Para pendatang tersebut dengan sukarela interaksi dan menerima adat Dalihan Natolu agar dapat mempersunting wanita-wanita setempat setelah puluhan tahun di tengah laut. Datu Nasangti Sibagot Ni Pohan dari Toba, seorang yang disegani saat itu, menyatukan mereka; campuran penduduk peribumi dan pendatang tersebut, membentuk marga Nasution.
Sementara itu perebutan kekuasaan terjadi di Pusat Pemerintahan Kerajaan batak, martua Raja Doli dari Siangjur Sagala Limbong Mulana dengan pasukannya merebut wilayah Lottung di Samosir Timur. Percampuran keduanya membentuk kelompok Marga Lottung Si Sia Marina, yang terdiri atas; Situmorang, Sinaga, Nainggolan, Pandiangan, Simatupang, Aritonang dan Siregar.
1050 M
Karena minimnya peralatan medis, epidemik melanda daerah Lottung kembali. Masyarakat Lottung Si Sia Marina berhamburan ke luar dari wilayah tersebut menuju daerah yang “sehat”. Akibatnya, kelompok Marga Siregar terpecah dua menjadi Siregar Sigumpar dan Siregar Muara, keduanya bermukin di Toba.
1293 – 1339 M
Penetrasi orang-orang Hindu yang berkolaborasi dengan Bangsa Jawa mendirikan Kerajaan Silo, di Simalungun, dengan Raja Pertama Indra Warman dengan pasukan yang berasal dari Singosari. Pusat Pemerintah Agama ini berkedudukan di Dolok Sinumbah. Kerak direbut oleh orang-orang Batak dan di atasnya menjadi cikal bakal kerajaan-kerajaan Simalungun dengan identitas yang mulai terpisah dengan Batak. Kerajaan Silo ini terdiri dari dua level masyarakat; Para Elit yang terdiri dari kaum Priayi Jawa dan Masyarakat yang terdiri dari kelompok Marga Siregar Silo.
1331 – 1364 M
Di Nusantara, Kerajaan Majapahit timbul menjadi sebuah Negara Superpower. Sebelumnya, Sebagain Eropa Barat dan Timur sampai ke Kazan Rusia, Asia Tengah dan Afrika Utara dan tentunya Timur Tengah didominasi Kekuatan Arab yang juga menguasasi Samudera India, Atlantik dan sebagain Samudera Pasifik.. Kekuatan Persia-Mongol tampak di India, Pakistan, Banglades dan sebagian China dan Indo-Cina serta beberapa kepulauan Nusantara, mereka tidak kuat di laut. China menguasasi sebagian Samudera Pasifik khususnya laut China Selatan. Sementara itu di pedalaman Eropa manusia masih hidup dalam pengaruh Yunani dan Romawi yang Animis, mereka kemudian menjadi perompak dan pembajak laut. Di daerah nusantara kaum Hokkian menguasasi jaringan ‘garong’ perompak yang terkadang lebih kuat dari kerajaan-kerajaan kecil melayu. Para pembajak laut Eropa sesekali diboncengi kaum Fundamentalis Yahudi dan pendatang baru; kaum trinitas Gereja barat yang berseberangan dengan Gereja timur yang unitarian dan menaruh dendam kesumat atas kejayaan Arab.
1339 M
Pasukan ampibi Kerajaan Majapahit melakukan penetrasi di muara Sungai Asahan. Dimulailah upaya invasi terhadap Kerajaan Silo. Raja Indrawarman tewas dalam penyerbuan tersebut. Kerajaan Silo berantakan, keturunan raja bersembunyi di Haranggaol.
Pasukan Mojopahit di bawah komando Perdana Menteri Gajah Mada, mengamuk dan menghancurkan beberapa kerajaan lain; Kerajaan Haru/Wampu serta Kesahbandaran Tamiang (sekarang Aceh Tamiang) yang saat itu merupakan wilayah kedulatan Samudra Pasai.
Pasukan Samudra Pasai, di bawah komando Panglima Mula Setia, turun ke lokasi dan berhasil menyergap tentara Majapahit di rawa-rawa sungai Tamiang. Gajah Mada bersma pengawal pribadinya melarikan diri ke Jawa meninggalkan tentaranya terkepung oleh pasukan musuh.
Para Keturunan Indrawarman kembali ke kerajaan dan mendirikan kerajaan baru bernama Kerajaan Dolok Siolo dan Kerajaan Raya Kahean.
1339 - 1947 M
Kerajaan Dolok Silo dan Raya Kahean berakulturasi menjadi kerajaan Batak/Simalungun, namun tetap berciri khas Hindu/Jawa absolut. Konon kerajaan ini mampu berdiri selama 600 tahun. Menjadi dinasti tertua di Kepulauan Indonesia di abad 20. Sekitar 250 tahun lebih tua dari Dinasti Mataram di Pulau Jawa.
Pada saat yang sama dua kerajaan lain muncul kepermukaan; Kerajaan Siantar dan Tanah Jawa. Raja di Kerajaan Siantar merupakan keturunan Indrawarman, sementara Pulau Jawa, dipimpin oleh Raja Marga Sinaga dari Samosir. Penamaan tanah Jawa untuk mengenang Indrawarman.
1350 M
Kelompok Marga Siregar bermigrasi ke Sipirok di Tanah Batak Selatan.
1416 – 1513 M
Pasukan Cina dibawah komando Laksamana Haji Sam Po Bo, Ceng Ho, dalam armada kapal induk mendarat di Muara Labuh di muara Sungai Batang Gadis. Salah satu misi mereka; mengejar para bandit Hokkian tercapai. Sebelum berangkat, pasukan Cengho yang berjumlah ribuah itu mendirikan industri pengolahan kayu dan sekaligus membuka pelabuhan Sing Kwang (Singkuang=Tanah Baru).
1416 - 1513 M
Orang-orang Tionghoa yang beragama Islam mulai berdatangan ke Sing Kwang dan berasimilasi dengan penduduk khususnya kelompok marga Nasution. Para Tionghoa tersebut membeli Kayu Meranti dari pengusaha setempat dan mengirimkannya ke Cina daratan untuk bahan baku tiang istana, kuil dan tempat ibadah lainnya.
1450 - 1500 M
Islam menjadi agama resmi orang-orang Batak Toba, khsuusnya dari kelompok marga Marpaung yang bermukim di aliran sungai Asahan. Demikian juga halnya dengan Batak Simalungun yang bermukim di Kisaran, Tinjauan, Perdagangan, Bandar, Tanjung Kasau, Bedagai, Bangun Purba dab Sungai Karang.
Perubahan terjadi di konstalasi politik dunia. Para bajak laut Eropa mulai mencari target operasi baru di kepulauan Nusantara yang hilir mudik dilalui para pedagang-pedagang Internasional; Arab, Afrika, India, Gujarat, Punjabi, Yunnan dan tentunya kelompok bajak laut lokal; Hokkian.
1450 - 1818 M
Kelompok Marga Marpaung menjadi supplaier utama komoditas garam ke Tanah Batak di pantai timur. ‘Splendidi Isolation’ Bangsa batak mulai terkuak. Yang positif bisa masuk namun tidak yang negatif.
Mesjid pribumi pertama didirikan oleh penduduk setempat di pedalaman Tanah Batak; Porsea, lebih kurang 400 tahun sebelum mesjid pertama berdiri di Mandailing. Menyusul setelah itu didirikan juga mesjid di sepanjang sungai Asahan antara Porsea dan Tanjung Balai. Setiap beberap kilometer sebagai tempat persinggahan bagi musafir-musafir Batak yang ingin menunaikan sholat. Mesjid-mesjid itu berkembang, selain sebagai termpat ibadah, juga menjadi tempat transaksi komoditas perdagangan. Siapapun berhak membeli, tidak ada diskriminasi agama. Toleransi antara Islam dan Agama S.M.Raja berlangsung begitu erat dan hangat.
1508 M
Kerajaan Haru/Wampu yang berpopulasi orang-orang Batak Karo diinvasi oleh Kesultanan Aceh. Dalam perkembangan politik berikutnya para keturunan Raja Haru/Wampu mendirikan kerajaan baru yang menjadi cikal bakal Kesultanan Langkat.
1508 - 1523 M
Kesultanan Haru/Delitua tetap eksis di daerah pengairan sungai Deli namun kedulatannya berada dalam otoritas Kesultanan Aceh. Penduduknya merupakan Batak Karo yang sudah memeluk agama Islam. Setelah melemahnya dominasi Kesultanan Aceh, Kesultanan ini bertransformasi menjadi Kesultanan Deli.
Kelompok bajak laut Eropa setelah beberapa lama dikucilkan karena perangai ‘garongnya’ mulai memperkenalkan diri kepada kerajaan-kerajaan nusantara sebagai ‘pedagang damai’. Taktik ini diambil agar mereka dapat melakukan penetrasi ke wilayah kerajaan untuk pemetaan dan penentuan titik-titik serangan untuk ‘devide et impera’.
1510 M
Dinasti Sori Mangaraja, yang berpusat di Sianjur Limbong Mulana, dikudeta oleh Kelompok Marga Manullang. Kejayaan dinasti ini, setelah 90 generasi berturut-turut memerintah, lenyap. Dinasti ini sendiri terdiri dari Kelompok Marga Sagala dari kubu Tatea Bulan.
1516 - 1816 M
Di Daerah Batak Selatan, dengan populasi Tatea Bulan, Dinasti Sori Mangaraja meneruskan pengaruhnya di Si Pirok. Secara de jure diakui oleh masyarakat Marga Siregar, Harahap dan Lubis. Secara mayoritas masyarakat marga Nasution juga memberikan pengakuan sehingga Dinasti Sisingamagaraja yang memerintah tanah Batak seterusnya, berpusat di Bakkara, tidak mendapat pengakuan yang menyeluruh.
1513 M
Kesultanan Aceh merebut pelabuhan-pelaburan pantai barat Pulau Andalas, untuk dijadikan jalur baru perdagangan internasional ke Maluku via selat Sunda. Bajak laut Portugis menutup dan melakukan aksi bajing loncat di Selat Malaka. Portugis mulai membawa kebencian agama ke Nusantara; diskriminasi agama diterapkan dengan melarang pedagang Islam melalui Malaka. Cina Islam, Arab dan penduduk nusantara menjadi korban pelecehan gaya Eropa.
Pengaruh internasionalisasi pelabuhan di Andalas, penduduk lokal Batak di lokasi tersebut; Singkil, Pansur, Barus, Sorkam, Teluk Sibolga, Sing Kwang dan Natal memeluk Islam setelah sebelumnya beberapa elemen sudah menganutnya.
Kelompok Marga Tanjung di Pansur, marga Pohan di barus, Batu Bara di Sorkam kiri, Pasaribu di Sorkam Kanan, Hutagalung di Teluk Sibolga, Daulay di Sing Kwang merupakan komunitas Islam pertama yang menjalankan Islam dengan kaffah.
1513 - 1818
Komunitas Hutagalung dengan karavan-karavan kuda menjadi komunitas pedagang penting yang menghubungkan Silindung, Humbang Hasundutan dan Pahae. Marga Hutagalung di Silindung mendirikan mesjid lokal kedua di Silindung.
Di Jerman, Kaum Protestan melepaskan diri dari hegemoni Gereja Katolik Roma.
1523 M
Orang-orang Eropa tidak sabar untuk menjarah Nusantara. Kesultanan Karo Muslim di Haru/Delitua dimusnahkan oleh kaum Portugis. Ratu Putri Hijau, yang mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan dengan raja-raja Aceh, tewas. Sambil berzikir sang ratu diikat di mulut meriam lalu diledakkan. Kebrutalan perang diperkenalkan oleh bangsa Eropa
1550 - 1884 M
Dinasti Sisingamagaraja (SM Raja) tampil sebagai otoritas tertinggi di Tanah Batak, menggantikan Dinasti Sori Mangaraja.
1581 M
Marga Rangkuti terbentuk. Terdiri dari orang-orang Jawa/Minang yang mengambil suaka politik di Mandailing akibat perubahan politik di Kerajaan Pagarruyung di Minagkabau.
1593 - 1601 M
Intelektual lokal mulai tampil ke permukaan. Abdulrauf Fansuri terkenal sebagai ulama dan intelektual di dalam ilmu fiqih, politik dan ilmu sosial lainnya.
Beberapa teorinya antara lain; Penghapusan perbedaan antara Kepala Negara dan Agama. Raja merupakan otoritas kerajaan dan juga agama. Dia mensyaratkan bahwa Raja yang akan memangku jabatan ini bukan turun temurun melainkan dipilih langsung oleh rakyat. Kedaulatan ada di tangan rakyat. Teori ini kemudian diterima oleh Kesultanan Aceh dan jawa.
Aceh, dalam ekspansinya, menguasai Fansur dan menghancurkan kejayaan pelabuhan ini. Duaratus tahun setelah itu Dinasti Sori Mangaraja membangunnya kembali dan memberikan nama baru; Pelabuhan ‘Gosong’.
Eropa mulai bangkit melewati masa kegelapan. Ibarat bangsa kelaparan mereka berhamburan ke penjuru dunia untuk membangun negara-negaranya. Bangsa Inggris mulai membuat pertapakan pertama di Pelabuhan Tapian Na Uli di tepi teluk Sibolga. Titik ini sangat mendukung untuk pemenuhan logistik mereka untuk menjarah bagian-bagian lain di Nusantara. Ambisi jahat yang tidak bisa ditebak oleh penduduk lokal.
Budaya perbudakan mendapat eksploitasi yang parah oleh hadirnya pihak Eropa. Keramahan bangsa Batak di Batang Toru, Puli, Situmandi serta Sigeaon dimanipulasi, mereka kemudian diperdagangkan sebagai Budak.
Beberapa wilayah di Nusantara mulai ditundukkan dengan tipu muslihat Eropa. Perang antar kerajaan menjadi sangat intens; akibat Devide Et Impera. Belanda mulai memetakan target operasi mereka di tanah Batak setelah menguasai Jawa dan beberapa kerajaan kecil di Nusantara.
1790 M
Haji Hassan Nasution dengan Gelar Qadhi Malikul Adil menjadi orang Batak pertama yang naik haji di Mekkah.
1812 M
Muhammad Faqih Amiruddin Sinambela, menjadi orang pertama dari lingkungan kerajaan Dinasti Sisingamangaraja yang menunaikan ibadah haji ke Mekkah. Informasi ini didapat dari sebuah catatan keluarga, bertuliskan Arab, komunitas Marga Sinambela keturunan Sisingamangaraja di Singkil. (Tuanku Rao; Ompu Parlindungan)
1816 M
Elemen mata-mata Belanda mulai menyusup ke Tanah batak dengan misi; memetakan daerah serta kekuatan dan menentukan titik-titik penembakan artileri di pusat-pusat kekuasaan tanah Batak.
Jenderal Muhammad Fakih Amiruddin Sinambela, Gelar Tuanku Rao, panglima Paderi, meluaskan pengaruhnya di Tanah Batak Selatan.
1816 - 1833 M
Islam berkembang pesat di Mandailing dengan pembangunan universitas, pusat-pusat perdagangan dan kebudayaan Islam.
1818 M
Panglima Fakih Sinambela berseteru dengan pamannya Sisingamangaraja X, Raja Dinasti Sisingamangaraja di daerah Batak Utara.
Elemen Eropa berhasil memetakan kekuatan Dinasti Sisingamaragaja. Salah satunya; Modigliani berhasil mencari info mengenai privasi Guru Somalaing, salah satu intelektual agama Parmalim, agama Batak saat itu.
Orang-orang Batak yang miskin dan putus asa dengan penyakit kolera dimanipulasi Belanda sebagai kekuatan anti-otoritas SM Raja. Beberapa kerajaan-kerajaan huta dihadiahi dengan pengakuan sehingga mejadi raja-raja boneka yang membangkang. Kredibilitas kedaulatan Sisingamangaraja di akar rumput menipis, dikempesi orang-orang Eropa.
Untuk kesekian kalianya epidemik penyakit menular menjangkiti penduduk. Elemen Eropa dan Belanda di pantai timur Sumatera memanfaatkan situasi.
1818 - 1820 M
Perseteruan Sisingamagaraja X dan Fakih Sinambela memuncak. Pasukan Fakih Sinambela dengan komando Jatengger Siregar berhadapan dengan pasukan Sisingamangaraja X di Bakkara setelah buntu dalam perundingan.
Markas Pusat di Siborong-borong dengan komando Panglima Fakih Sinambela memerintahkan pasukannya di Bakkara untuk menguburkan pamannya Sisingamangaraja X di pemakaman kerajaan dengan pasukan kehormatan dan melindungi keturunannya.
Fakih Sinambela menolak tawaran pamannya menjadi Sultan di Tanah batak. Mereka mundur ke Selatan. Yang Mulia Sisingamangaraja XI naik tahta.
1820 M
Pembantu Fakih Sinambela, Tuanku Mansur Marpaung mendirikan Kesultanan Asahan di pantai timur Sumatera.
1821 M
Belanda yang tahu bahwa daerah pesisir Sumatera Barat seperti Pariaman, Tiku, Air Bangis adalah daerah strategis yang telah dikuasai kaum Padri, maka Belanda telah membagi pasukan untuk merebut daerah-daerah tersebut. Dalam menghadapi serangan Belanda ini, maka terpaksa kaum Padri yang berada di Tapanuli Selatan di bawah pimpinan Fakih Sinambela(Tuanku Rao) dan Tuanku Tambusi dikirim untuk menghadapinya. Pertempuran sengit terjadi dan pada tahun 1821 Fakih Sinambela gugur sebagai syuhada di Air Bangis. Perlawanan pasukan Padri melawan pasu kan Belanda diteruskan dengan pimpinan Tuanku Tambusi.
1823 M
Thomas Raffles, Jenderal Inggris, tertarik untuk mengadu domba kerajaan-kerajaan di Sumatera. Idenya; Aceh yang Islam dan Minagkabau dipisah dengan Komunitas Batak Kristen. Tanah Batak harus, menurut istilah Ompu Parlindungan, “dikristenkan”; diterima atau tidak.
Kebijakan ini ditiru oleh Raffles dari Lord Moira, Gubernur Jenderal Inggris di Kalkutta yang berhasil melemahkan Kerajaan “Dehli” Islam di India; Burma yang Budda serta Thailand yang Buddha harus dipisah dengan bangsa Karen yang Kristen.
Untuk itu, pihak Inggris mengirimkan tim-tim pendeta kerajaan ke lokasi tersebut. Di Tapanuli saja ada diutus beberapa orang, sbb;
• Pendeta Burton yang bertugas menguasasi bahasa Batak dan menerjemahkan Bibel ke Bahasa Batak, bertindak sebagai pemimpin misi.
• Pendeta Ward, seorang dokter yang meneliti pengaruh penuakit menular, epidemik yang menjangkiti penduduk Batak.
• Pendeta Evans, bertugas mendirikan sekolah-sekolah pro-Eropa.
Ketiganya merupakan tim ekspedisi dalam infiltrasi pasukan Inggris di Tanah batak yang akan berprofesi sebagai pendeta agar tidak terlalu mendapat penolakan di sebagian besar mayarakat Batak yang telah menganut agama Parmalim, agama S.M. Raja, di pusat-pusat kerajaan Batak.
1823 - 1824 M
Pertahanan benteng SM Raja di Humbang, yang ‘splendid isolation’ dan tertutup untuk pihak-pihak tidak resmi, sangat kuat dan tidak dapat disusupi, pelabuhan Barus bebas dari penyusup.. Tim tersebut hanya berhasil masuk melalui pantai Sibolga dan daerah Angkola yang mayoritas penduduknya muslim dan terbuka. Burton dan Ward berhasil memasuki Tanah Batak, melalui pelabuhan Sibolga tempat beberapa komunitas Inggris menetap berdagang, menyisir hutan belantara dan mencapai Lembah Silindung. Misi berhasil. Namun ketika akan menyusup ke Toba, pusat kehidupan sosial masyarakat batak, Ward memberikan instruksi untuk mundur. Epidemik Kolera masih mengganas di Toba dan Humbang. Burton dan Ward mundur ke Sibolga. Dari sini ‘character assasination’ terhadap panglima-panglima Padri dilancarkan.
Perseteruan antar penjajah untuk menguasai Tanah Batak muncul. Belanda menggantikan posisi Inggris di Tapanuli, sesuai ‘Traktat London’. Pendeta-pendeta Inggris diusir. Mereka yang sudah berhasil memasuki wilayah privasi para Panglima tersebut dituduh bersekongkol dengan Padri.
1830 - 1867 M
S.M Raja XI, setelah naik tahta mulai menata kehidupan rakyatnya. Di beberapa wilayah dilakukan pembangunan. Hubungan diplomasi luar negeri dengan Kesultanan Aceh dijalin kembali. Sang Raja mulai menyadari kehadiran elemen-elemn penyusup yang bermaksud untuk menguasai dan dan meniadakan Kedaulatan Bangsa Batak. Belanda yang meneruskan kebijakan Raffles tidak bisa menerima; Bangsa Batak malah melakukan kerjasama militer dengan Aceh.
Perkembangan pembangunan di bidang sosial dan pendidikan meningkat. Kerajaan mulai mengerjakan penulisan sejarah Batak dalam ‘Arsip Bakkar’ setebal 23 jilid. Total Satu setengah meter tebalnya. Sebagain besar mengenai undang-undang, tradisi dan kehidupan kerajaan. Sebuah usaha yang memberikan dampat baik terhadap kredibilitas otoritas raja dan kehidupan masyarakat namun sudah terlanjur terlambat. Elemen-elemen rakyat yang putus asa dengan epidemik kolera sudah banyak yang pro-Belanda.
1833 M
Tentara Belanda mulai mendaratkan pasukan ekspedisi dibawah Komando Mayor Eiler, di daerah Natal dan mengangkat rajanya menjadi raja boneka dengan gelar; Regent van Mandailing. Elemen-elemen padri Minang dibasmi.
1833-1834 M
Pasukan Kolonel Elout menguasai Angkola dan Sipirok. Sipirok menjadi batu loncatan untuk menggempur Toba. Peta-peta sasaran tembak sudah dikumpulkan sebelumnya oleh tim penyusup dan orang-oramg Eropa yang bergerak bebas di Tanah Batak
Kolonel Elout memerintahkan pendeta-pendeta tentara Belanda, yang menjadi bawahannya di pasukan tersebut, antara lain; Pendeta Verhoeven untuk mempersiapkan diri untuk meng-kristenkan penduduk asli Tanah Batak Utara. Verhoeven diwajibkan untuk bergaul dengan penduduk asli dan belajar Bahasa Batak.
Eliot melalui kakaknya, saudara perempuannya, di Boston, AS, meminta tambahan tim misi dari American Baptist Mission (ABM). Permintaan ini mendapat dukungan dana oleh Clipper Millionairs yang berpusat di Boston dengan kompensasi mereka dapat menguasai kegiatan ekspor dan impor di Tanah Batak yang sangat potensial saat itu.
Seperempat abad kemudian, Hamburg Millionairs mendanai pendeta-pendeta dari Barmen untuk mengkristenkan Tanah Batak, hasilnya sejak tahun 1880-1940, di belakangan “Reinische Missions Gesselschaft”, seluruh arus perdagangan ekspor dan impor di Tanah batak dimonopoli oleh “Hennemann Aktions Gessellschaft”. Diperkirakan, paska PD II total pengusaha-pengusaha nasionalpun tidak sanggup mendekati 10 persen dari volume perdagangan “Hennemen & Co,” dulu di Tanah Batak. (Tuanku Rao; Ompu Parlindungan)
1833 - 1930 M
Masyarakat Mandailing menderita dengan pendudukan Belanda setelah beberapa usaha mempertahankan diri, gagal. Eksodus ke Malaysia dimulai. Komunitas-komunitas diaspora batak di luar negeri terbentuk. Di Malaysia, Mekkah, Jeddah dan lain sebagainya.
1834 M
ABM mengirimkan tiga orang pendeta ke Tanah Batak. Yakni; Pendeta Lyman, Munson, Ellys. Kolonel Elout menempatkan Ellys di Mandailing untuk mengkristenkan masyarakat muslim di sana. Lyman dan Munson melanjutkan jejak Burton dan Ward.
Lyman dan Munson memasuki toba dengan seorang penerjemah, Jamal Pasaribu. Di sana mereka disambut baik. Namun setelah insiden penembakan mati seorang wanita tua oleh Lyman, raja setempat, Raja Panggulamau menolak kehadiran mereka.
Penembakan wanita tua, yang kebetulan, namboru sang raja tidak dapat diterima oleh raja. Lyman dan Munson mendapat hukuman mati oleh pengadilan lokal.
1834 - 1838 M
Pemerintahan Militer Belanda di Tanah Batak Selatan didirikan secara permanen. Komplek markas Besar Belanda didirikan berikut taman perumahan para pemimpin militer.
1838 - 1884 M
Kekuatan militer Belanda bertambah kuat. Sumatera Barat dapat dikuasai. Mandailing, Angkola dan Sipirok menjadi “Direct Bestuurd Gebied”, Raja Gadumbang tidak jadi dijadikan Sultan oleh Pemerintah Penjajahan Belanda, akan tetapi dibohongi dan hanya diberikan gelar “Regent Voor Her Leven”.
Pemimpin-pemimpin masyarakat Batak Islam yang tidak mau tunduk dengan Belanda di berbagai daerah, dibasmi. Silindung masuk ke dalam “Residente Air Bangis tahun 1973 dan Toba, yang belum takluk, dimasukkan pada tahun 1881. Kerajaan-kerajaan lain yang berhubungan dengan Kerajaan Toba tidak dapat berbuat banyak untuk membantu. Hegemoni Eropa tidak dapat terbendung. Manusia di nusantara hanya menunggu waktu untuk menjadi mangsa Eropa. Kerajaan Batak terisolir dan melemah. Rakyat sudah banyak yang pro Belanda.
1843 - 1845 M
Perbatasan Tanah Batak yang aman hanya pelabuhan Singkil dan Barus serta perbatasan darat dengan Aceh. Sisingamangaraja XI mengikuti Pendidikan Militer di Indrapuri, Kesultanan Aceh.
1845 - 1847 M
Aceh mengirimkan satu balayon tentara di bawah komando Teuku Nangsa Sati ke Toba. Bersama Yang Mulia Sisingamangaraja XI, Teuku menyiapkan perencanaan strategi gerilya. Pasukan komando gerilya dibentuk. Pertahanan dengan menggelar pasukan sudah tidak memungkinkan. Siasat ini pada tahun 1873-1907 sangat membingungkan pihak imperialis Belanda.
1848 M
Putra Mahkota, Pangeran Parobatu, sata-satunya anak laki-laki Sisingamangaraja XI lahir.
1857 - 1861 M
Zending Calvinist Belanda dari “Gereja Petani Ermeloo/Holland” (GPE) dengan gencar melakukan misi di Tanah Batak Selatan. Mereka antara lain; Pendeta Van Asselt di Parausorat, Sipirok, pendeta Dammerboer di Hutarimbaru, Angkola, Pendeta Van Danen di Pangarutan, Angkola dan Pendeta Betz di Bungabondar, Sipirok.
Misi; gagal. Masyarakat Muslim Batak yang sudah tidak berdaya dalam penguasaan Belanda menolak untuk dikristenkan. Belanda, tidak habis akal, mempercayakan misi pengkristenan Batak Selatan dan Utara kepada pendeta-pendeta Jerman, “Reinische Missions Gesselschaft” (RMG), yang menganggunr di Batavia, sejak diusir keluar dari Kalimantan Selatan oelh Pangeran Hidayat.
Belanda menghubungkan pendeta Fabri, pemimpin RMG di Jerman dengan pendeta Witteveen, pemimpin dari GPE. GPE mengalah, mundur dari Tanah Batak Selatan, karena kahabisan dana. Dengan banjir dana dari perusahaan Hennemann & Co, RMG memulai upaya misi kembali agar secepatnya Belanda dapat menguasai Tanah Batak dan menghancurkan Aceh di ujung sana.
1861 M
Pada tanggal 7 Oktober 1861, di dalam rumah pendeta van Asselt diadakan rapat bersama oleh pendeta-pendeta Belanda yang sudah aktif di tanah Batak bersamam pendeta-pendeta Jerman yang baru datang. Rapat ditutup oleh pendeta Klammer hasilnya; Pimpinan pengkristenan tanah Batak sudah berpindah dari tangan Pendeta Belanda ke tangan Pendeta Jerman. Pendeta Belanda Dammerboer serta van Dalen tidak menyukai posisinya menjadi bawahan seorang “Moffen”, Jerman. Mereka berhenti menjadi pendeta.
1861 - 1907 M
Belanda tidak sabar untuk menguasai lahan-lahan pertanian Tanah Batak yang masih dimiliki Sisingamagaraja XI. Untuk menyerangnya secara frontal Belanda belum mampu karena dipihak lain dan di dalam negeri mereka banyak menghabiskan tenaga unutuk menumpas pemberontakan-pemberontakan, sementara itu, kerajaan-kerajaan pribumi tidak menyadari keunggulan mereka.
Belanda kemudian menerapkan Devide et Impera dari pantai timur dengan kebijakan Zelbestuur, artinya swapraja. Tanah Batak dipecah menjadi:
1. Keresidenan Tapanuli. Direct Bestuur Gebied, sebuah daerah Pamong Praja.
2. Sumatera Timur, Zelbestuurs Gebied, Swapraja.
3. Daerah Batak, Singkil, gayo, dan Alas atas permintaan komandan tentara Belanda di Kotapraja, dimasukkan ke dalam Aceh.
Daerah Batak yang menjadi Swapraja yang bercampur dengan puak Melayu dipecah sebagai berikut:
1. Kesultanan Langkat, di atas kerajaan Karo, Aru/Wampu di tanah Karo, Dusun
2. Kesultanan Deli, bekas Kesultanan Haru/Delitua.
3. Kesultanan Serdang, di bekas Kerajaan Dolok Silo, Simalungun sampai ke Lubuk Pakam.
4. Distrik Bedagai, dilepas dari Kerajaan Kahean, Simalungun. Di bawah pimpinan otoritas bergelar Tengku.
5. Kesultanan Asahan yang didirikan oleh Tuanku Mansur Marpaung diberi pengakuan secara hukum.
6. Kerajaan Kota Pinang, dengan mayoritas penduduk Batak Muslim didirikan dengan
7. Kepemimpinan Alamsyah Dasopang dengan gelar Tuanku Kota Pinang.
8. Kerajaan-kerajaan kecil dan tak mempunyai kekuatan diciptakan, misalnya kerajaan Merbau, Panai, Bila dan lain sebagainya dengan tujuan untuk memecah-mecah kekuatan masyarakat Batak dalam kotak-kotak agama, wilayah dan kepentingan ekonomi.
9. Kerajaan Dolok Silo dan Kahaen dipecah tiga.
10. Di Tanah Karo daerah pegunungan diciptakan Kerajaan Sibayak.
Pihak Gayo yang dimasukkan ke Aceh dan orang-orang Batak Karo serta Simalungun tidak dapat lagi membela perjuangan Dinasti Sisingamangaraja karena mereka menganggap dirinya masing-masing sudah berbeda kewarganegaraan. Pihak Belanda menguasai setiap check point, untuk mengisolir rakyat setiap kerajaan dan membatasi pelintas batas. Kekuatan ekonomi, praktis, dikuasi Belanda. Kekuatan Tanah Batak mencapai titik paling lemah.
1863 M
Pendeta Nomensen dari Sipirok memasuki Silindung. Pengkristenan Tanah Batak Utara dimulai dan dikerjakan dengan sangat sistematis. Target ke selatan Batak, daerah Batak Muslim, dikurangi. Dengan beking seorang raja, pontas Lumban Tobing, yang sudah pro Belanda, sebuah gereja pertama didirikan di Hutadaman, Silindung. (Tuanku Rao; Ompu Parlindungan)
1864 - 1866 M
Pangeran Parobatu, selama dua tahun, mengikuti Pendidikan Militer di XXV/Mukim, di Kesultanan Aceh. Setelah wisuda, pangeran juga membahwa oleh-oleh; Bantuan Pasukan Penempur dari Aceh, ke Bakkara.
1867 M
Penyakit Kolera menjangkiti lagi. Para tenaga medis Kerajaan gagal membendung epidemik ini. Yang Mulia Sisingamangaraja XI wafat karena kolera. Pangeran Parobatu naik tahta menjadi Sisingamangaraja XII dengan gelar Patuan Bosar.
Akibat epidemik ini, intensitas misi pengkristenan bertambah tinggi. Rakyat yang frustasi berduyun-duyun mendatangi Christian Community di Hutadame.
1867 - 1884 M
Sisingamangaraja XII selama 17 tahun memerintah di Bakkara. Menurut penulis sejarah pro Belanda, Sisingamangaraja memerintah dengan tangan besi, untuk mempertahankan “Singgasana Batak Pagan Priest Kings” yang sudah memerintah selama 12 generasi paska Dinasti Sori Mangaraja. Informasi ini tentunya untuk pengalihan perhatian orang-orang Batak di masa mendatang yang akan merasa kehilangan penguasa Batak yang mereka cintai.
Selanjutnya, para penulis itu menuduh Sisingamangaraja XII secara totaliter menentang Pemerintah Belanda, serta menentang infiltrasi dari Agama Kristen yang dibawa oleh pendeta-pendeta Jerman. Mereka menambahkan bahwa karena itulah orang-orang Batak yang sudah Kristen (dan lebih2 lagi yang sudah Islam) tentulah tidak mau mengakui seorang Batak Pagan Priest King.
Belanda, dengan dendam kesumat atas kewibawaan Sisingamangaraja XII, sengaja menanam bibit perpecahan dan pertikaian di masyarakat untuk dipanen oleh generasi Batak di masa mendatang. Paska Kemerdekaaan Indonesia, bibit itu melapuk dan tidak membuahkan hasil. Orang Batak hidup damai dalam toleransi beragama.
Raja Huta, Pontas Lumbantobing di Saitnihuta, Silindung, menjadi antipode dari Sisingamangaraja XII, maharaja di wilayah huta-huta Batak. (Tuanku Rao; Ompu Parlindungan).
Di tanah Batak Utara didirikan sekolah-sekolah dengan jumlah besar; Sekolah Dzending. Namun, demi misi imperialis, diskriminasi diterapkan. Anak-anak dari Sintua, tetua Gereja, mendapat prioritas masuk sekolah Zending. Untuk menjadi Sintua, seseorang harus membuktikan diri patuh terhadap Kristen. Orang-oranng tanah Batak Utara belomba-lomba menjadi Sintua. (Tuanku Rao; Ompu Parlindungan).
Posisi Sisingamangaraja XII kehilangan legitimasi dan dukungan dari rakyatnya yang sudah Kristen karena sudah berlomba-lomba menjadi Sintua (idem).
Penduduk Dairi, Pakpak dan Simsim masih menjadi pengikut setia Sisingamangaraja XII. Dalam pertempuran dengan Belanda, Ibukota kerajaan yang sudah ditandai oleh tim penyusup sebelumnya menjadi sasaran empuk pasukan Belanda. Serangan-serangan artileri memaksa Sisingamangaraja XII, dengan pengawalan khusus dari rakyatnya orang-orang Gayo yang menjadi pasukan komando dari Aceh, pasukan yang diberikan Kesultanan Aceh, mengungsi di Dairi dan melancarkan serangan dari hutan belantara sana. (1884-1907). Sementara itu panglima-panglimanya yang masih setia, melakukan upaya defensif untuk menahan laju tentara Belanda.
1869 M
Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Pendeta Ellys di Mandailing menemukan beberapa hambatan-hambatan, serta penyebabnya, dalam misi pengkristenan. (Tuanku Rao; Ompu Parlindungan)
Aliran Baptist, merupakan kelompok yang sangat sedikit di dunia. Baptist melepaskan diri dari Gereja Roma Katolik, lebih dahulu daripada Protestan dengan Martin Luther-nya pada tahun 1517. Baptis mengkristenkan orang-orang dewasa dengan cara menyemplungkan diri, seluruh badan, di dalam sungai. Seperti halnya oleh Johannes Pembaptis sebelum Jesus.
Amerina Baptist Misson dan British Baptish Mission tidak mau lagi mendanai Pendeta di Mandailing yang berpenduduk Muslim dan taat beragama.
Menurut Parlindungan, Dinasti Romanov, di Rusia beragama. Kristen Ortodoks Katolik. Akan tetapi di Ukraina terdapat sedikit aliran Baptist keturunan Belanda yang disebut; Mennoniets, karena mereka adalah keturunan dari Menno Simons. Baptist, Doopsgezinden, di Negeri Belanda habis dibasmi oleh Protestan, di dalam periode 1568-1648.
Orang-orang Baptist Belanda melarikan diri ke Ukarina. Di sana, mereka dilindungi oleh Dinasti Romanov, karena kepandaian mereka di bidang pertanian dan peternakan.
Dinasti Romanov saat itu sedang asyik menanam pengaruh di Seluruh Asia, mulai dari Selat Dardanella, sampai ke Vladiwostok. Romanov kemudian mengatur kepergian Pendeta-pendeta Mennoniet dari Ukraina ke Mandailing 1869-1918.
Gereja yang di Mandailing didirikan pada tahun 1838 dirombak dan diganti dengan Gereja model Basilyk Rusia, lengkap dengan atas yang berbentuk “bawang” , 1869. Misi pendeta Mennoniet inipun berakhir karena jatuhnya Tsar Rusia yang dibantai oleh kaum Komunis. Pendeta Iwan Tissanov, pendeta yang teakhir dari aliran ini kemudian pindah ke Bandung.
Keturunan pasukan Padri bermarga Lubis, Kalirancak Lubis dan Jamandatar Lubis, yang pernah merebut Toba dan menguasai Ibukota Bakkara, di bawah pimpinan Panglima Muhammad Faqih Amiruddin Sinambela, kemenakan S. M. Raja X, menjadi Kristen Protestan Luteran di HKBP (Huria Kristen Batak Protestan). Salah satunya adalah Martinus Lubis pahlawan Medan 1947.
1870 M
Peta politik populasi Tanah Batak:
Di Tanah Batak Selatan; 90% Beragama Islam, 10% lagi terdiri dari Muslim Syiah, Kristen Protestan dan Baptist.
Di Tanah Batak Utara; 90% Beragama Monoteis Adat Sisingamangaraja (Parmalim atau Sipelebegu) dengan Sisingamangaraja sebagai Raja dan Pemimpin Agama dan Debata Mula Jadi Nabolon (Tuhan, Maha Pencipta serta Maha Agung) sebagai Tuhan.
Sementara 10 persen lagi; Muslim dan Protestan di Silindung.
1873 M
Sebuah mesjid di Tarutung, Silindung, dirombak oleh Belanda. Haji-haji dan orang-orang Islam, kebanyakan, dari marga Hutagalung, diusir dari tanah leluhur dan pusaka mereka di Lembah Silindung. Belanda melakukan pembersihan etnis, terhadap muslim Batak.
Kesabaran Sisingamagaraja XII sudah menipis, tindakan ofensif ditingkatkan. Pertempuran Tangga Batu II meletus. Sisingamangaraja XII terluka, kena tembak dan berdarah. Belanda mengumumkannya ke seluruh penjuru. Tujuannya, agar hormat dan kepercayaan orang-orang Batak terhadap raja mereka, SM Raja XII, goyang.
Di periode yang sama, dengan bala tentara yang lebih banyak, kebanyakan terdiri dari pasukan paksaan dari daerah-daerah jajahan lainnya; Halmahera, Madura dan Jawa, Belanda melumpuhkan kekuatan tempur SM Raja. Sisa-sia kekuatan hanya untuk defensif. Dari dataran tinggi Humbang (sekarang di Kab. Humbang Hasundutan) Bakkara dibombardir dengan senjata Artileri Berat, namun Belanda masih takut untuk melakukan serangan infanteri.
1881 M
Toba resmi diduduki Belanda. Di Balige ditempatkan Controleur B.B. Di Laguboti ditempatkan Detasement Tentara Belanda. Pendeta Pilgram di Balige dan Pendeta Bonn di Muara mulai mengkristenkan penduduk yang sudah menyerah dan tak berdaya. Sementara itu, tentara Belanda diperkuat dan Laguboti menjadi Garnizon Tetap.
Pasukan SM Raja mulai kehilangan pasokan senjata dan amunisi dari dua pabrik senjata di kedua tempat tersebut, yang dibagun atas alih teknologi dari Kesultanan Aceh.
1882 - 1884 M
Sisingamangaraja XII di ibukota Bakkara meningkatkan kewaspadaan mereka dalam sebuah upaya ofensif dan melakukan usaha mendeportasi elemen-elemen Belanda, yang menyusup jauh dan membeberkan kelemahan kerajaan, dan Pendeta-pendeta Jerman keluar dari wilayah kedaulatan Tanah Batak.
Yang Mulia, Patuan Bosar, menjanjikan uang sebanyak 300 ringgit burung untuk setiap orang yang memancung seorang pendeta Jerman dengan membawa bukti berupa kepala yang dipancung (Tuanku Rao; Ompu Parlindungan). Terutama Pendeta Bonn di Muara, yang lalu lalang dan mengintai di daerah antara Bakkara dan Balige yang sudah terlalu dekat dengan pusat kekuasaan Patuan Bosar.
1883 M
Destor Nasution, putera dari Jarumahot Nasution alias Hussni bin Tuanku Lelo, menjadi pendeta. Tuanku Lelo merupakan salah satu panglima tentara Islam Padri yang merebut Bakkara di era S. M. Raja X.
Destor merupakan orang Batak pertama yang ditahbiskan menjadi pendeta dari Marga Nasution. Ayah Tuanku Lelo merupakan Qadi Malikul Adil, Menteri Kehakiman di pemerintahan Padri, dan orang Batak pertama yang naik haji ke Mekkah, 1790.
Pasukan Sisingamangaraja XII dengan sisa-sisa kekuatannya melancarkan serangan frontal ke Muara. Tujuannya. Merebut kembali tanah Toba, dan mengusir Belanda di Laguboti. Pendeta Bonn dan Istrinya berhasil melarikan diri.
Belanda membalas, Bakkara dikepung dengan bombardir artileri dan serang infanteri. Ibu kota Bakkara, hancur lebur.
S. M Raja hijrah ke Tamba dan mengatur serangan dari sana. Pasukan khusus dari Aceh masih setia melindungi ‘Sri Maharaja’ Patuan Bosar.
Dukungan rakyat muncul kembali tatkala mendengar patriotisme Putri Lopian Boru Sinambela yang sejak usia 11 tahun selalu mendampingi ayahnya, S. M. Raja XII, Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia. Secara khusus sang putri selalu melakukan ritual untuk memintakan pertolongan dari Debata Mulajadi Na Bolon.
Melihat opini rakyat yang mulai menentang, Belanda tidak terima. Karisma sang Putri di bendung dengan tangan besi. Pembicaraan mengenai S. M Raja dan putrinya akan mendapat hukuman penjara. Akibatnya lambat laun rakyat lupa kembali, apakah rajanya masih berjuang atau tidak. Rakyat terintimidasi untuk berbicara mengenai rajanya. Perang Ideologi.
1884 - 1905 M
Padangsidempuan menjadi ibukota keresidenan Air Bangis.
1884 - 1907 M
Sisingamangaraja XII, Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia dengan heroik meneruskan perang melawan penjajah dari Dairi. Tanpa sedikitpun bantuan dari orang-orang Toba di Silindung yang menyibukkan diri untuk menjadi Sintua agar anaknya diterima sekolah di Zending.
1905 M
Ibukota Keresidenan Tapanuli dipindahkan ke Sibolga.
1907 M
Pasukan Sisingamangaraja XII bersama panglima dan pengawal pribadinya dari Aceh terkepung di hutan belantara Dairi. Pertempuran berlangsung sangat sengit. Dalam upaya menolong putrinya yang terluka, Sisingamangaraja XII, gelar Patuan Bosar, Ompu Raja Pulo Batu, tewas diberondong Belanda. Jenazahnya dicincang dan dibuang begitu saja di hutan agar tidak dilihat oleh warga Batak yang pasti akan menimbulkan kemarahan besar. Menurut sumber lain, Jenazahnya dikuburkan di Balige atau Parlilitan. Masih perlu didebatkan. Keturunan S.M. Raja yang masih hidup ditawan dan dijauhkan dari masyarakat untuk tidak memancing pertalian emosi dengan warga Batak. Mereka di tawan dan dibuang ke sebuah Biara terpencil. Di sana mereka mati satu per satu. Menurut cerita lain, sebelum mati mereka sudah dibaptis.
1912 M
Perkembangan Islam, yang tidak diperbolehkan Belanda untuk mengecap pendidikan, walau paska kebijakan balas budi, kemudian bangkit mendirikan Perguruan Mustofawiyah. Disinyalir sebagai sekolah pribumi pertama di tanah Batak yang sudah modern dan sistematis.
Haji Mustofa Husein Purba Baru, dari marga Nasution, merupakan penggagas perguruan ini. Dia, yang dikenal sebagai Tuan Guru, merupakan murid dari Syeikh Muhammad Abduh, seorang reformis dan rektor Universitas Al Azhar.
Lulusan perguruan Musthofawiyah ini kemudian menyebar dan mendirikan perguruan-perguruan lain di berbagai daerah di Tanah Batak. Di Humbang Hasundutan di tanah Toba, alumnusnya yang dari Toba Isumbaon mendirikan Perguruan Al Kaustar Al Akbar pada tahun 1990-an setelah mendirikan perguruan lain di Medan tahun 1987. Daerah Tatea Bulan di Batak Selatan merupakan pusat pengembangan Islam di Sumut.
HKBP sendiri pernah menjadi gereja protestan terbesar di Asia. Para turunannya mendirikan gereja Angkola, Karo dan Dairi di berbagai tempat di Indonesia. Demikian pula di Kesultanan Langkat, para keturunan Jatengger Siregar gelar Tuanku Ali Sakti mendirikan ‘Lilbanaad College’.
1923 M
Arsip Bakkara diamankan pendeta Pilgram
1928 M
Jong Batak merupakan elemen sumpah pemuda. Orang-orang Batak tanpa beda wilayah, marga dan agama bersatu mengusir Belanda.
1945 M
Tanah Batak merupakan bagian dari Indonesia merdeka.
Blog yang Batak Bangat! "Historical Culture with big Inspiration and Information"
Kamis, 25 Juni 2009
By: Anthony Reid
Working Papers Series No. 78, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
The 8-10 million Bataks of northern Sumatra are one of Indonesia’s most important and intriguing groups. They have clearly been in Sumatra for thousands of years. They have attracted a large number of studies of religion and missiology, and a few good ethnological and language studies. Yet they remain a people without history. It seems a classic case of Eric Wolf’s argument, in Europe and the People Without history, that the neglect of the history of such stateless people was not just an absence but a distortion.2 Ethnographers and colonial officials of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries created such categories as highlanders, primitives, proto-Malays, and indeed Bataks as ethnic categories, and assumed their unchanging isolation from the currents of world history. But the Bataks, who were forcibly brought into the scholarly world’s consciousness at that stage were, to follow Wolf’s argument, already wholly transformed by international influences – their ‘isolation’ was itself an historical process.
Ashis Nandy makes the more specific charge that it is the statelessness of pre-modern non- Europeans that has denied them a history. In his view, my profession — modern secular history as practised in the academies — is inextricably linked as a mode of analysis with the modern nation state and its rise. History traces the lineage and legitimacy of modern states, and distorts our understanding of the past by doing so. Highland Sumatra does appear to support his case. Until the twentieth century, the great majority of Sumatra’s people, and its complex, irrigated-rice, literate societies, were in the highlands. Yet these are never mentioned in the historical record. Virtually the only way in which Sumatra appears in histories of either Indonesia or the wider world before 1500 (except as a visiting-point of travellers like Marco Polo) is through Sriwijaya, thought to have ruled a large area from its seat in Palembang between the 7th and the 10th centuries. Concrete evidence on the ground about this state and its people is as scarce as what we know about highland societies in a similar period. Yet because Sriwijaya appeared as a state in Chinese and Arab records, it alone is celebrated in the history books. Of course I could not resist testing the coupling of “Batak” with “History” in a Google search.
Sure enough, the popular items at the top of the Googling process revealed no books or articles on the subject, but rather items such as a new keep-fit training apparatus called a Batak (and which seems already to have a history), as well as a village in Bulgaria, “forever associated with the April Uprising of 1876, one of the most heroic events in Bulgarian history”. The Batak of Bulgaria have a history, it appears, but not those of Sumatra.
The curious absence of Batak history does indeed apply chiefly to the history as written by academics, as Ashis Nandy might have expected. To my knowledge only three professional historians have written dissertations in English on Batak history. All wrote exclusively about the twentieth century, and all regrettably remain unpublished in the original English.4 In French there was a unique attempt by Daniel Perret at a more comprehensive history, albeit of the North Sumatra region rather than Bataks per se. Fortunately church or mission history is better served, especially in German. The publications here include one extremely detailed history of the early Karo mission written by anthropologist Rita Kipp.
The general dearth of histories of any highland people in Indonesia is reflected in the national histories of Indonesia and regional histories of Southeast Asia. The more detailed studies may report the Christianization and incorporation of highlanders into the colonial state at the end of the nineteenth century, but nothing before that and almost nothing after. One of the recent histories, that of Jean Taylor, has no mention whatever of Bataks.
Bataks themselves have written history, though to a very limited extent in the professional academy. The favourite topic of popular writers was, as in many other regions, the official link between minority ethnicities and the nationalist narrative—a ‘national hero’ sanctioned by the process inaugurated by Sukarno in 1959. Singamangaraja XII (1845-1907) was surprisingly the first Sumatran to make this list, in 1961, after a campaign throughout the 1950s by some of his descendents and affines to make him the pre-eminent Batak hero. He was well-placed as not only the last major resistance leader against the Dutch, hunted down and killed in 1907, but also the scion of the dynasty to approach nearest to sacred king-like status, albeit most respected by the Sumba group of Toba Batak lineages spread around his western-lake redoubt of Bakkara.
The first hagiography was published in 1951 by Adniel Lumban Tobing, who was also the leading figure in a festive reburial of his remains and the erection of a statue in his honour in the Toba Batak heartland, at Tarutung, in 1953.8 Further writing in this genre was stimulated by the success of this campaign in having Singamangaraja XII declared an Indonesian national hero in 1961, and a huge statue erected in his honour in Medan (marking the Toba Bataks’ definitive arrival in the regional capital). Mohammad Said was one of the pioneers to build on Tobing’s slim work by marrying Dutch sources with local legend. Among a plethora of speculative works which followed, the book of Professor Bonar Sidjabat of the Jakarta Theological Seminary sought to establish Singamangaraja’s credentials in the Indonesian academic world.
The increasing role of Singamangaraja XII in Toba Batak popular self-identification was based largely on this success on elevating him to the official national pantheon, and therefore into the national textbooks read by all Indonesian school-children. For later generations educated in Indonesian national schools, he became the sole Batak historical figure. His lineage, although historically shadowy before the nineteenth century, could also represent a simulacrum of a state, a key for later Batak intellectuals to try to read the ‘state’ back into their earlier history.
In the 1957 reissue of his original 1951 book, Adniel Tobing put a version of this legendary lineage into print, beginning with the miraculous virgin birth of the progenitor of the line. The imaginative engineer Mangaradja Parlindungan took speculation of this kind to new heights in his 1965 book, Tuanku Rao, of which more later. Batara Sangti, a Toba Batak government official (wedana) who had accepted the task in the 1950s of writing an ‘official’ history of Singamangaraja XII, finally produced his book well after Parlindungan’s, in 1977. This was the first book to call itself a ‘Batak History’, and was hailed by its publisher with the words, “until this time it can be said that there was no book of ‘Batak History’ of a general and complete kind, which was on a level with the histories of the kingdoms that formerly existed in the northern Sumatra region and/or Indonesia”. He took the portentous step of providing dates for these shadowy figures, by the simple device of allowing thirty years between the birth dates of each of the twelve. By this means ‘history’ was pushed back to the imagined birth of the first SSM in 1515.
The most interesting figures in linking Batak sources with international history-writing are two Batak intellectuals to whom we must return. Mangaradja Parlindungan has puzzled both historians and the Batak identity industry ever since his remarkable book Tuanku Rao was published in 1965. He reconstructed Batak history based on evidence he claimed his father and the Dutch BB-ambtenaar and Batak-kenner C. Poortman had assembled, reconciling oral and written Batak sources, many of them mysteriously lost for any other researchers, with the data available in Acehnese and Dutch writing. Secondly, there was the poet Sitor Situmorang, who began to take an interest in Batak history when in a kind of exile in Holland in the 1970s and ‘80s. His first writings on Singamangaraja XII were compatible with the tradition of Dutch ethnography, and to ensure the association did not sully his credentials, he never mentioned Parlindungan or Poortman in his work. After his return to Indonesia, however, he developed the idea of “the institution of Singamangaradja as the principle of Toba unity”. He sought to qualify Lance Castles’ reading of ‘statelesslessness’ through the notion of the ritual community or bius, 150 of which were individually sovereign throughout the Toba Batak territory, yet formed a kind of federative unity through the Singamangaradja. He made a bold use of Batak mythology to construct what he called “The socio-political history of an institution from the 13th to 20th centuries."
Historians are anxious to find voices that speak directly from a vanished past rather than through the medium of multiple generations of memory. Inscriptions and archaeological evidence from within, and the information of travellers from without, are their preferred keys to the proto-historic past. There is no doubt that we are at a terrible disadvantage in this respect with highland peoples such as those in Sumatra. Tomé Pires, our most reliable recorder of all manner of states and societies in sixteenth-century Southeast Asia, merely records “There are many heathen kings in the island of Sumatra and many lords in the hinterland, but, as they are not trading people and known, no mention is made of them”.18 As with all shadowy protohistories, the question arises with Batak whether we are on safer ground tracing the history of a place, the domain currently dominated by the six major Batak ethnolinguistic groups of today’s North Sumatra province, or of a people called Batak or identifiable in some other way. And if the latter, what does this concept mean before the period of national self-definition in the twentieth century?
In terms of place, physical remains have so far offered us three major urban complexes in the North Sumatran area prior to the Islamization of coastal ports. All must have been important gateways for the trade of the interior highlands, though on the borders of what is thought to be Batak territory today. Starting with the oldest, they are:
• The camphor and benzoin port of Barus on the west coast, flourishing from the 8th to 13th centuries, and recently excavated by a French-Indonesian team led by Claude Guillot;
• The Buddhist temple complex of Padang Lawas, near the upper Baruman River in the south, which dates from the 11th to 14th centuries. The ruins lie as far from the sea as one can be in North Sumatra, in what is an unproductive grassland in modern times, but is at a low point in the Bukit Barisan mountain range which may have been a transit route for early traders.
• The east coast port of Kota Cina, near Medan, which flourished from the 12th to 14th centuries, and must have had a role in the presumably Karo-Batak kingdom of Aru, a major maritime and piratic power from the 13th to 16th centuries.
While archaeology remains in its infancy in this area, it is safe to conclude that these would have been sites through which Indian (especially), Chinese, Javanese and other influences entered the Bataklands at this time, if not before. Kota Cina is usually associated with the influx of Hindu elements among the Karo, and Barus among the Toba Batak. But Padang Lawas remains mysterious, and the new work there may prove it to be a more important key to a state-forming ‘path not taken’.22
The only element of ‘Batakness’ spectacular enough to be noted in the earliest sources is their cannibalism. Foreign sources note its presence in Sumatra long before the appearance of the term ‘Batak’ or any other feature which could be identified with it. Ptolemy was the first, around 100 CE, to record the presence of cannibalism in what he identified as an island cluster of Barusae, presumably Sumatra. Following him a long series of Arab, Indian and European sources, including Marco Polo, attest to the existence of cannibalism in the island, including on its more accessible north coast. Nicolo da Conti was the first European, in 1430, to use the term Batak (Batech) for this cannibal population in Sumatra.23
The term Batak appears even earlier in Chinese sources, but as a polity or place, not a people. Chau Ju-kua (1226) has an obscure reference to Bo-ta as connected with Sriwijaya, while the Yuan (Mongol) dynastic chronicle mentions Ma-da next to Samudra (Pasai), both offering tribute to the Imperial court in 1285-6. Ma-da would be pronounced Ba-ta in Hokkien, the likely language of Chinese trader informants.24
This thirteenth-century Bata appears to have survived to the beginning of the sixteenth century, the first great watershed in Batak self-definition because of the confrontation with Islam. About 1515, before the rise of Aceh, Tomé Pires described a loosely Muslim kingdom in the same area.
The kingdom of Bata is bordered on one side by the kingdom of Pase and on the other by the kingdom of Aru (Daruu). The king of this country is called Raja Tomjano.25 He is a Moorish knight. He often goes to sea to pillage. He is the son-in-law of the king of Aru. He brought in the ship Frol de la Mar which was wrecked in a storm off the coast of his country, and they say he recovered everything water could not spoil, wherefore they say he is very rich.26
Pires’ most specific geographical information is that this Batak possessed the sources of petroleum in the Tamiang-Perlak area, later a precious resource for Aceh. The fact that the king was listed as Muslim and a son-in-law of the Aru king, also in some sense Muslim, indicates that the religious situation was still fluid, the inhabitants of the island recognized themselves by place rather than ethnicity or religion, and that the natural centre for state-like formations for the interior peoples was at their points of connection with maritime trade. But Pinto did not list this presumably hybrid Karo state as cannibalistic; that honour was reserved for the west coast area above Singkil.27
For Mendes Pinto writing of 1539, northern Sumatra had been transformed by the expansion of Aceh along the north coast, swallowing whatever kingdoms there were between its Banda Aceh centre and Aru. This militantly Islamic character of this expansionism was vividly described by Pinto, but is also evident in other Portuguese, Turkish and Acehnese sources on the sixteenth century confrontation between an Aceh-led commercial coalition and the Portuguese, with whom were associated both non-Muslims and kingdoms like Aru whose Islam had rested lightly on the ruling court.28 This confrontation seemed already to have turned the term Batak definitively into a description of a people; a people defined by their resistance to Islam in this militant new form. But it was still a people with a king, “the King of the Bataks”, whose capital was at Panaju, now on the west coast, about 8 leagues (50 km) up a river Pinto calls Guateamgim.29 This was presumably one of the west coast rivers to the south of Singkil giving access to the camphor and benzoin land west of Lake Toba. The capital’s name Panaju is reminiscent of the kingdom of Pano (Pão) mentioned in the same area by Pires.30
Pinto makes his story of the Bataks a tragic one, with a king first refusing the offer of Islam and determining to fight the Acehnese sultan, then making a treaty and marriage alliance with him, which the sultan treacherously broke by attacking and killing his sons. The Batak king then assembled a major alliance of local chiefs to fight the Acehnese, whose Turkish reinforcements however proved too much for him. He then retreated far up the river.31
This appears to mark the last of coastal ‘kingdoms’ associated with Bataks either by name or life-style. The ports were hereafter all Muslim to some degree, and the people of the uplands who resisted the Acehnese jihad were called Batak by them. Thus Barros, writing in midcentury, could report that Sumatra is inhabited by two kinds of people, moros [Muslims] and gentios [heathens]; the latter are natives, while the former were foreigners who came for reasons of commerce and began to settle and populate the maritime region, multiplying so quickly that in less than 150 years they had established themselves as senhores [lords] and began calling themselves kings. The heathens, leaving the coast, took refuge in the interior of the island and live there today. Those who live in the part of the island facing Malaca are called Batas. They are the most savage and warlike people in the whole world; they eat human flesh.32
The definition of Bataks as being those who resisted Islam and continued to eat pork was shared by a seventeenth century Aceh text, the Hikayat Aceh. It twice mentions Batak as an ethnic group. In a succession conflict of the 1590s it portrays a rebel prince stopping at Barus on the way to challenge his brother at the capital, and recruiting two upriver Batak datu (healers), “skilled in the arts of sorcery (sihir) and magic (hikmat)”, who successfully caused the king to become sick. 33 A second incident is more surprising, portraying the young Iskandar Muda encountering ‘an old Batak’ on a hunt for a wild buffalo, who tricked the prince into giving him a sword and kris, and then scampered off into the forest.34 This presumably says nothing about ethno-linguistic identity, but means only that there were still villagers unincorporated into the Aceh state and religion very close to Banda Aceh, and that such people were called ‘Batak’. This became in succeeding centuries a definition that many Bataks accepted. Nineteenth-century witnesses assert that when Minahassan missionary teachers, and Chinese traders, penetrated into Batak areas for the first time they were also considered Batak, since they ate pork.35
The aggressive expansion of Islamic Aceh in the period 1520-1630, at the expense of all the varied coastal states, ensured a separation not only between Bataks and Islam, but also between Bataks and the port-states of the coast. Batak “statelessness” can be dated from this period, when states came to be associated by Batak with an aggressive ‘other’. This statelessness was however qualified. The Karo and Simalungun on the east coast, and the Toba Batak on the west, each preserved from the earlier period a certain memory of state, often linked through tradition with Aceh. Thus the four Sibayak who had a certain ritual primacy in the Karo area, and the four Raja who held a somewhat stronger position in the Simalungun area, were popularly believed to have been inaugurated during the period of Aceh hegemony over the coast.36 Parlindungan claims Toba sources from Bakkara chastised the Karo and Simalungun for erecting their own states and thereby falling away from the Sori Mangaradja dynasty, but it is very doubtful there was ever such a sense of common identity among the different ethno-linguistic groups.
Many Toba Batak traditions also linked a principal of sacred descent with the coastal kingdoms they remembered – Aceh and Barus. The latter was long recognised as a crucial port for Toba Batak, and therefore some ritual tribute was to be expected. Joustra was struck by the surprisingly uniform set of traditions about the Barus link with Bakkara and the Singamangaraja line, though I will present it here in the form of the Barus Hilir chronicle edited by Jane Drakard. This describes the journey of the founder of the Muslim dynasty of Barus Hilir, Sultan Ibrahim, through the Batak territories prior to establishing his kingdom on the coast. First in Silindung, and then at the Singamangaraja’s sacred place of Bakkara, and finally in the Pasaribu territory, the local chiefs pleaded with him to stay and become their king. At Bakkara he urged the Bataks to become Muslim, because then they would be one people (bangsa) with him and he could stay as king. The Bataks responded apologetically, “We do not want to enter Islam. Whatever else you order we will obey”. He therefore moved on, but not before fathering a child by a local woman, who became the first Singamangaraja. In each place agreements were sworn to by both sides, establishing the long-term relationship between upland Batak producers on one hand and coastal Malay traders on the other. These included establishing the ‘four penghulu’ of Silindung as a supra-village institution linked to the Barus trade.
Since Barus and other ports on the west coast were themselves frequently under Aceh suzerainty, it is not surprising that Aceh also figured in Batak memory. Its ritual preeminence over the Singamangaraja line was acknowledged in various ways in the betterknown nineteenth century, including the Singamangaraja’s seal and flag, both of which appear modelled on those of the Aceh Sultan (see fig. 1). This link, mythologised in the mysterious Batak progenitor-figure Raja Uti who disappeared to Aceh, may go back to the sixteenth or seventeenth century links.
For Parlindungan, however, and the Batak manuscripts of the ‘Arsip Bakkara’ he claims as a source, there was another powerful connection with Aceh in the late 18th century. He claims that these documents reveal a treaty of friendship between the otherwise unknown Singamangaraja IX and Sultan Alauddin Muhammad Syah, known to have ruled Aceh uneasily from 1781 to 1795. The treaty purportedly agreed that Singkil was Acehnese, the Uti Kanan (Simpang Kanan?) area Batak, and Barus a neutral zone. But the Acehnese cannon which sealed the deal caused such havoc among some elephants at Bakkara that Singamangaraja IX was killed by one of them.39
As so often with Parlindungan’s fanciful stories, there seems to be something of substance in this. In the 1780s, the Singkil area was developed for pepper-cultivation, and the limits of Acehnese control became an urgent concern. Acehnese raided the British outstation of Tapanuli (Sibolga) in 1786, and the British responded by attacking some Acehnese forts.40 This was indeed a time, in other words, when Acehnese would have sought to lock Batak suppliers and traders into their networks rather than the British ones.
Let me throw in a further fanciful vignette, if only to further undermine what remains of the idea of Batak “isolation” during the long 18th century. In 1858 a Frenchman or Eurasian called De Molac told a Pondicherry newspaper that in the last quarter of the 18th century “his family settled in the most savage part of Sumatra, established magnificent agricultural establishments there, acquired great influence among the natives and succeeded in reforming their customs”. The head of the family “had recently been elected chief of the confederation of Bataks, a Malay people whose lands border Dutch possessions and the kingdom of Aceh.” 41 While no doubt largely invented, this story is sufficiently consistent with the supernatural inferences drawn about 19th century visitors to the Batak highlands, including Burton and Ward, Van der Tuuk and Modigliani, that we should not be surprised if such a pattern began earlier.
The nineteenth century was another time of great upheaval for the Bataklands. The Christianisation of its last three decades is rather well documented by western and Batak writers, but the traumatic Padri invasions remain poorly covered. By far the most detail is provided by Parlindungan, and is therefore highly suspect. Yet this episode is so important that it demands serious attention. Batak sources agree that some of the most militant of the Islamic marauders who brought fires and sword to the Toba area were themselves newlyconverted Bataks. Singamangaraja X was killed by a militant Padri they called Si Pokki, around 1830 according to most authorities. Parlindungan however puts this event in 1819, and traces the source of the hostilities to cleavages within the Singamangaraja lineage itself, with Tuanku Rao presented as an alienated Batak turned militant Muslim. In any case, this event marked the historic emergence of the Singamangaraja dynasty as a symbol of Batak unity against outside threats. It begins a period of upheaval as these unprecedented threats assail the mountain strongholds one after the other. And for these upheavals of the early nineteenth century there are enough traces in the pustaha as well as European sources to create the stuff of real historical debate.
So, is there a Batak history?
Yes, there have been some ingenious attempts by Batak authors to extend the known story back in time to the sixteenth century, even if this has not yet made a significant impact on the received history of the professionals. Yet even these Batak labours remain a somewhat perverse attempt to make Batak history more like every other civilizational story, with a respectable state to give it meaning.
Should not the glory of the Bataks be rather their success in managing without states, and the real challenge of the Batak historian be to show how social and economic history could for once be written without the distorting lens of state-imposed hierarchies?
It is not an easy task, but I believe that there is much that can be done. Let me end with just three avenues which seem particularly promising, if challenging.
The difficult Batak manuscripts, the pustaha. They have so far seemed so difficult and so ahistorical as not to repay sustained effort to master their contents. Yet the claims of Parlindungan/Poortman are so suggestive, those of Sitor Situmorang so ingenious, that somebody ought to follow these tracks systematically, to establish what can be known about the connections with Islam, with Aceh and Barus, and with the east coast; what can be saidabout the Padri incursion and the social upheavals they brought, and what was the dynamic of Batak society in that century before Christianisation.
The ‘underside’ of history can be accessed through the slaves who found their way to Melaka, Padang, Batavia, Penang and Singapore. There is an unfortunate avoidance of this feature by nationalist historians, though the documents are richer on slaves than any other non-elite category. It may well be, for example, that the Sumatran slave who accompanied Magellan around the world, Enrique, was as much a Batak as anybody at that time.42 Penang in 1835 counted 561Bataks among its population, and some did enter into court and other records before being assimilated into Malay or Chinese populations.43
A fuller examination of material culture, including the textiles which Sandy Niessen used to such effect; the systems of trade and exchange which effectively united the coastal regions and the interior of Sumatra in an efficient four-day market cycle;44 and the ritual systems which helped establish the coherence of Batak society.
By these and other means our successors may eventually reveal through Batak history how to truly write a history without states. I wish them well.
Working Papers Series No. 78, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
The 8-10 million Bataks of northern Sumatra are one of Indonesia’s most important and intriguing groups. They have clearly been in Sumatra for thousands of years. They have attracted a large number of studies of religion and missiology, and a few good ethnological and language studies. Yet they remain a people without history. It seems a classic case of Eric Wolf’s argument, in Europe and the People Without history, that the neglect of the history of such stateless people was not just an absence but a distortion.2 Ethnographers and colonial officials of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries created such categories as highlanders, primitives, proto-Malays, and indeed Bataks as ethnic categories, and assumed their unchanging isolation from the currents of world history. But the Bataks, who were forcibly brought into the scholarly world’s consciousness at that stage were, to follow Wolf’s argument, already wholly transformed by international influences – their ‘isolation’ was itself an historical process.
Ashis Nandy makes the more specific charge that it is the statelessness of pre-modern non- Europeans that has denied them a history. In his view, my profession — modern secular history as practised in the academies — is inextricably linked as a mode of analysis with the modern nation state and its rise. History traces the lineage and legitimacy of modern states, and distorts our understanding of the past by doing so. Highland Sumatra does appear to support his case. Until the twentieth century, the great majority of Sumatra’s people, and its complex, irrigated-rice, literate societies, were in the highlands. Yet these are never mentioned in the historical record. Virtually the only way in which Sumatra appears in histories of either Indonesia or the wider world before 1500 (except as a visiting-point of travellers like Marco Polo) is through Sriwijaya, thought to have ruled a large area from its seat in Palembang between the 7th and the 10th centuries. Concrete evidence on the ground about this state and its people is as scarce as what we know about highland societies in a similar period. Yet because Sriwijaya appeared as a state in Chinese and Arab records, it alone is celebrated in the history books. Of course I could not resist testing the coupling of “Batak” with “History” in a Google search.
Sure enough, the popular items at the top of the Googling process revealed no books or articles on the subject, but rather items such as a new keep-fit training apparatus called a Batak (and which seems already to have a history), as well as a village in Bulgaria, “forever associated with the April Uprising of 1876, one of the most heroic events in Bulgarian history”. The Batak of Bulgaria have a history, it appears, but not those of Sumatra.
The curious absence of Batak history does indeed apply chiefly to the history as written by academics, as Ashis Nandy might have expected. To my knowledge only three professional historians have written dissertations in English on Batak history. All wrote exclusively about the twentieth century, and all regrettably remain unpublished in the original English.4 In French there was a unique attempt by Daniel Perret at a more comprehensive history, albeit of the North Sumatra region rather than Bataks per se. Fortunately church or mission history is better served, especially in German. The publications here include one extremely detailed history of the early Karo mission written by anthropologist Rita Kipp.
The general dearth of histories of any highland people in Indonesia is reflected in the national histories of Indonesia and regional histories of Southeast Asia. The more detailed studies may report the Christianization and incorporation of highlanders into the colonial state at the end of the nineteenth century, but nothing before that and almost nothing after. One of the recent histories, that of Jean Taylor, has no mention whatever of Bataks.
Bataks themselves have written history, though to a very limited extent in the professional academy. The favourite topic of popular writers was, as in many other regions, the official link between minority ethnicities and the nationalist narrative—a ‘national hero’ sanctioned by the process inaugurated by Sukarno in 1959. Singamangaraja XII (1845-1907) was surprisingly the first Sumatran to make this list, in 1961, after a campaign throughout the 1950s by some of his descendents and affines to make him the pre-eminent Batak hero. He was well-placed as not only the last major resistance leader against the Dutch, hunted down and killed in 1907, but also the scion of the dynasty to approach nearest to sacred king-like status, albeit most respected by the Sumba group of Toba Batak lineages spread around his western-lake redoubt of Bakkara.
The first hagiography was published in 1951 by Adniel Lumban Tobing, who was also the leading figure in a festive reburial of his remains and the erection of a statue in his honour in the Toba Batak heartland, at Tarutung, in 1953.8 Further writing in this genre was stimulated by the success of this campaign in having Singamangaraja XII declared an Indonesian national hero in 1961, and a huge statue erected in his honour in Medan (marking the Toba Bataks’ definitive arrival in the regional capital). Mohammad Said was one of the pioneers to build on Tobing’s slim work by marrying Dutch sources with local legend. Among a plethora of speculative works which followed, the book of Professor Bonar Sidjabat of the Jakarta Theological Seminary sought to establish Singamangaraja’s credentials in the Indonesian academic world.
The increasing role of Singamangaraja XII in Toba Batak popular self-identification was based largely on this success on elevating him to the official national pantheon, and therefore into the national textbooks read by all Indonesian school-children. For later generations educated in Indonesian national schools, he became the sole Batak historical figure. His lineage, although historically shadowy before the nineteenth century, could also represent a simulacrum of a state, a key for later Batak intellectuals to try to read the ‘state’ back into their earlier history.
In the 1957 reissue of his original 1951 book, Adniel Tobing put a version of this legendary lineage into print, beginning with the miraculous virgin birth of the progenitor of the line. The imaginative engineer Mangaradja Parlindungan took speculation of this kind to new heights in his 1965 book, Tuanku Rao, of which more later. Batara Sangti, a Toba Batak government official (wedana) who had accepted the task in the 1950s of writing an ‘official’ history of Singamangaraja XII, finally produced his book well after Parlindungan’s, in 1977. This was the first book to call itself a ‘Batak History’, and was hailed by its publisher with the words, “until this time it can be said that there was no book of ‘Batak History’ of a general and complete kind, which was on a level with the histories of the kingdoms that formerly existed in the northern Sumatra region and/or Indonesia”. He took the portentous step of providing dates for these shadowy figures, by the simple device of allowing thirty years between the birth dates of each of the twelve. By this means ‘history’ was pushed back to the imagined birth of the first SSM in 1515.
The most interesting figures in linking Batak sources with international history-writing are two Batak intellectuals to whom we must return. Mangaradja Parlindungan has puzzled both historians and the Batak identity industry ever since his remarkable book Tuanku Rao was published in 1965. He reconstructed Batak history based on evidence he claimed his father and the Dutch BB-ambtenaar and Batak-kenner C. Poortman had assembled, reconciling oral and written Batak sources, many of them mysteriously lost for any other researchers, with the data available in Acehnese and Dutch writing. Secondly, there was the poet Sitor Situmorang, who began to take an interest in Batak history when in a kind of exile in Holland in the 1970s and ‘80s. His first writings on Singamangaraja XII were compatible with the tradition of Dutch ethnography, and to ensure the association did not sully his credentials, he never mentioned Parlindungan or Poortman in his work. After his return to Indonesia, however, he developed the idea of “the institution of Singamangaradja as the principle of Toba unity”. He sought to qualify Lance Castles’ reading of ‘statelesslessness’ through the notion of the ritual community or bius, 150 of which were individually sovereign throughout the Toba Batak territory, yet formed a kind of federative unity through the Singamangaradja. He made a bold use of Batak mythology to construct what he called “The socio-political history of an institution from the 13th to 20th centuries."
Historians are anxious to find voices that speak directly from a vanished past rather than through the medium of multiple generations of memory. Inscriptions and archaeological evidence from within, and the information of travellers from without, are their preferred keys to the proto-historic past. There is no doubt that we are at a terrible disadvantage in this respect with highland peoples such as those in Sumatra. Tomé Pires, our most reliable recorder of all manner of states and societies in sixteenth-century Southeast Asia, merely records “There are many heathen kings in the island of Sumatra and many lords in the hinterland, but, as they are not trading people and known, no mention is made of them”.18 As with all shadowy protohistories, the question arises with Batak whether we are on safer ground tracing the history of a place, the domain currently dominated by the six major Batak ethnolinguistic groups of today’s North Sumatra province, or of a people called Batak or identifiable in some other way. And if the latter, what does this concept mean before the period of national self-definition in the twentieth century?
In terms of place, physical remains have so far offered us three major urban complexes in the North Sumatran area prior to the Islamization of coastal ports. All must have been important gateways for the trade of the interior highlands, though on the borders of what is thought to be Batak territory today. Starting with the oldest, they are:
• The camphor and benzoin port of Barus on the west coast, flourishing from the 8th to 13th centuries, and recently excavated by a French-Indonesian team led by Claude Guillot;
• The Buddhist temple complex of Padang Lawas, near the upper Baruman River in the south, which dates from the 11th to 14th centuries. The ruins lie as far from the sea as one can be in North Sumatra, in what is an unproductive grassland in modern times, but is at a low point in the Bukit Barisan mountain range which may have been a transit route for early traders.
• The east coast port of Kota Cina, near Medan, which flourished from the 12th to 14th centuries, and must have had a role in the presumably Karo-Batak kingdom of Aru, a major maritime and piratic power from the 13th to 16th centuries.
While archaeology remains in its infancy in this area, it is safe to conclude that these would have been sites through which Indian (especially), Chinese, Javanese and other influences entered the Bataklands at this time, if not before. Kota Cina is usually associated with the influx of Hindu elements among the Karo, and Barus among the Toba Batak. But Padang Lawas remains mysterious, and the new work there may prove it to be a more important key to a state-forming ‘path not taken’.22
The only element of ‘Batakness’ spectacular enough to be noted in the earliest sources is their cannibalism. Foreign sources note its presence in Sumatra long before the appearance of the term ‘Batak’ or any other feature which could be identified with it. Ptolemy was the first, around 100 CE, to record the presence of cannibalism in what he identified as an island cluster of Barusae, presumably Sumatra. Following him a long series of Arab, Indian and European sources, including Marco Polo, attest to the existence of cannibalism in the island, including on its more accessible north coast. Nicolo da Conti was the first European, in 1430, to use the term Batak (Batech) for this cannibal population in Sumatra.23
The term Batak appears even earlier in Chinese sources, but as a polity or place, not a people. Chau Ju-kua (1226) has an obscure reference to Bo-ta as connected with Sriwijaya, while the Yuan (Mongol) dynastic chronicle mentions Ma-da next to Samudra (Pasai), both offering tribute to the Imperial court in 1285-6. Ma-da would be pronounced Ba-ta in Hokkien, the likely language of Chinese trader informants.24
This thirteenth-century Bata appears to have survived to the beginning of the sixteenth century, the first great watershed in Batak self-definition because of the confrontation with Islam. About 1515, before the rise of Aceh, Tomé Pires described a loosely Muslim kingdom in the same area.
The kingdom of Bata is bordered on one side by the kingdom of Pase and on the other by the kingdom of Aru (Daruu). The king of this country is called Raja Tomjano.25 He is a Moorish knight. He often goes to sea to pillage. He is the son-in-law of the king of Aru. He brought in the ship Frol de la Mar which was wrecked in a storm off the coast of his country, and they say he recovered everything water could not spoil, wherefore they say he is very rich.26
Pires’ most specific geographical information is that this Batak possessed the sources of petroleum in the Tamiang-Perlak area, later a precious resource for Aceh. The fact that the king was listed as Muslim and a son-in-law of the Aru king, also in some sense Muslim, indicates that the religious situation was still fluid, the inhabitants of the island recognized themselves by place rather than ethnicity or religion, and that the natural centre for state-like formations for the interior peoples was at their points of connection with maritime trade. But Pinto did not list this presumably hybrid Karo state as cannibalistic; that honour was reserved for the west coast area above Singkil.27
For Mendes Pinto writing of 1539, northern Sumatra had been transformed by the expansion of Aceh along the north coast, swallowing whatever kingdoms there were between its Banda Aceh centre and Aru. This militantly Islamic character of this expansionism was vividly described by Pinto, but is also evident in other Portuguese, Turkish and Acehnese sources on the sixteenth century confrontation between an Aceh-led commercial coalition and the Portuguese, with whom were associated both non-Muslims and kingdoms like Aru whose Islam had rested lightly on the ruling court.28 This confrontation seemed already to have turned the term Batak definitively into a description of a people; a people defined by their resistance to Islam in this militant new form. But it was still a people with a king, “the King of the Bataks”, whose capital was at Panaju, now on the west coast, about 8 leagues (50 km) up a river Pinto calls Guateamgim.29 This was presumably one of the west coast rivers to the south of Singkil giving access to the camphor and benzoin land west of Lake Toba. The capital’s name Panaju is reminiscent of the kingdom of Pano (Pão) mentioned in the same area by Pires.30
Pinto makes his story of the Bataks a tragic one, with a king first refusing the offer of Islam and determining to fight the Acehnese sultan, then making a treaty and marriage alliance with him, which the sultan treacherously broke by attacking and killing his sons. The Batak king then assembled a major alliance of local chiefs to fight the Acehnese, whose Turkish reinforcements however proved too much for him. He then retreated far up the river.31
This appears to mark the last of coastal ‘kingdoms’ associated with Bataks either by name or life-style. The ports were hereafter all Muslim to some degree, and the people of the uplands who resisted the Acehnese jihad were called Batak by them. Thus Barros, writing in midcentury, could report that Sumatra is inhabited by two kinds of people, moros [Muslims] and gentios [heathens]; the latter are natives, while the former were foreigners who came for reasons of commerce and began to settle and populate the maritime region, multiplying so quickly that in less than 150 years they had established themselves as senhores [lords] and began calling themselves kings. The heathens, leaving the coast, took refuge in the interior of the island and live there today. Those who live in the part of the island facing Malaca are called Batas. They are the most savage and warlike people in the whole world; they eat human flesh.32
The definition of Bataks as being those who resisted Islam and continued to eat pork was shared by a seventeenth century Aceh text, the Hikayat Aceh. It twice mentions Batak as an ethnic group. In a succession conflict of the 1590s it portrays a rebel prince stopping at Barus on the way to challenge his brother at the capital, and recruiting two upriver Batak datu (healers), “skilled in the arts of sorcery (sihir) and magic (hikmat)”, who successfully caused the king to become sick. 33 A second incident is more surprising, portraying the young Iskandar Muda encountering ‘an old Batak’ on a hunt for a wild buffalo, who tricked the prince into giving him a sword and kris, and then scampered off into the forest.34 This presumably says nothing about ethno-linguistic identity, but means only that there were still villagers unincorporated into the Aceh state and religion very close to Banda Aceh, and that such people were called ‘Batak’. This became in succeeding centuries a definition that many Bataks accepted. Nineteenth-century witnesses assert that when Minahassan missionary teachers, and Chinese traders, penetrated into Batak areas for the first time they were also considered Batak, since they ate pork.35
The aggressive expansion of Islamic Aceh in the period 1520-1630, at the expense of all the varied coastal states, ensured a separation not only between Bataks and Islam, but also between Bataks and the port-states of the coast. Batak “statelessness” can be dated from this period, when states came to be associated by Batak with an aggressive ‘other’. This statelessness was however qualified. The Karo and Simalungun on the east coast, and the Toba Batak on the west, each preserved from the earlier period a certain memory of state, often linked through tradition with Aceh. Thus the four Sibayak who had a certain ritual primacy in the Karo area, and the four Raja who held a somewhat stronger position in the Simalungun area, were popularly believed to have been inaugurated during the period of Aceh hegemony over the coast.36 Parlindungan claims Toba sources from Bakkara chastised the Karo and Simalungun for erecting their own states and thereby falling away from the Sori Mangaradja dynasty, but it is very doubtful there was ever such a sense of common identity among the different ethno-linguistic groups.
Many Toba Batak traditions also linked a principal of sacred descent with the coastal kingdoms they remembered – Aceh and Barus. The latter was long recognised as a crucial port for Toba Batak, and therefore some ritual tribute was to be expected. Joustra was struck by the surprisingly uniform set of traditions about the Barus link with Bakkara and the Singamangaraja line, though I will present it here in the form of the Barus Hilir chronicle edited by Jane Drakard. This describes the journey of the founder of the Muslim dynasty of Barus Hilir, Sultan Ibrahim, through the Batak territories prior to establishing his kingdom on the coast. First in Silindung, and then at the Singamangaraja’s sacred place of Bakkara, and finally in the Pasaribu territory, the local chiefs pleaded with him to stay and become their king. At Bakkara he urged the Bataks to become Muslim, because then they would be one people (bangsa) with him and he could stay as king. The Bataks responded apologetically, “We do not want to enter Islam. Whatever else you order we will obey”. He therefore moved on, but not before fathering a child by a local woman, who became the first Singamangaraja. In each place agreements were sworn to by both sides, establishing the long-term relationship between upland Batak producers on one hand and coastal Malay traders on the other. These included establishing the ‘four penghulu’ of Silindung as a supra-village institution linked to the Barus trade.
Since Barus and other ports on the west coast were themselves frequently under Aceh suzerainty, it is not surprising that Aceh also figured in Batak memory. Its ritual preeminence over the Singamangaraja line was acknowledged in various ways in the betterknown nineteenth century, including the Singamangaraja’s seal and flag, both of which appear modelled on those of the Aceh Sultan (see fig. 1). This link, mythologised in the mysterious Batak progenitor-figure Raja Uti who disappeared to Aceh, may go back to the sixteenth or seventeenth century links.
For Parlindungan, however, and the Batak manuscripts of the ‘Arsip Bakkara’ he claims as a source, there was another powerful connection with Aceh in the late 18th century. He claims that these documents reveal a treaty of friendship between the otherwise unknown Singamangaraja IX and Sultan Alauddin Muhammad Syah, known to have ruled Aceh uneasily from 1781 to 1795. The treaty purportedly agreed that Singkil was Acehnese, the Uti Kanan (Simpang Kanan?) area Batak, and Barus a neutral zone. But the Acehnese cannon which sealed the deal caused such havoc among some elephants at Bakkara that Singamangaraja IX was killed by one of them.39
As so often with Parlindungan’s fanciful stories, there seems to be something of substance in this. In the 1780s, the Singkil area was developed for pepper-cultivation, and the limits of Acehnese control became an urgent concern. Acehnese raided the British outstation of Tapanuli (Sibolga) in 1786, and the British responded by attacking some Acehnese forts.40 This was indeed a time, in other words, when Acehnese would have sought to lock Batak suppliers and traders into their networks rather than the British ones.
Let me throw in a further fanciful vignette, if only to further undermine what remains of the idea of Batak “isolation” during the long 18th century. In 1858 a Frenchman or Eurasian called De Molac told a Pondicherry newspaper that in the last quarter of the 18th century “his family settled in the most savage part of Sumatra, established magnificent agricultural establishments there, acquired great influence among the natives and succeeded in reforming their customs”. The head of the family “had recently been elected chief of the confederation of Bataks, a Malay people whose lands border Dutch possessions and the kingdom of Aceh.” 41 While no doubt largely invented, this story is sufficiently consistent with the supernatural inferences drawn about 19th century visitors to the Batak highlands, including Burton and Ward, Van der Tuuk and Modigliani, that we should not be surprised if such a pattern began earlier.
The nineteenth century was another time of great upheaval for the Bataklands. The Christianisation of its last three decades is rather well documented by western and Batak writers, but the traumatic Padri invasions remain poorly covered. By far the most detail is provided by Parlindungan, and is therefore highly suspect. Yet this episode is so important that it demands serious attention. Batak sources agree that some of the most militant of the Islamic marauders who brought fires and sword to the Toba area were themselves newlyconverted Bataks. Singamangaraja X was killed by a militant Padri they called Si Pokki, around 1830 according to most authorities. Parlindungan however puts this event in 1819, and traces the source of the hostilities to cleavages within the Singamangaraja lineage itself, with Tuanku Rao presented as an alienated Batak turned militant Muslim. In any case, this event marked the historic emergence of the Singamangaraja dynasty as a symbol of Batak unity against outside threats. It begins a period of upheaval as these unprecedented threats assail the mountain strongholds one after the other. And for these upheavals of the early nineteenth century there are enough traces in the pustaha as well as European sources to create the stuff of real historical debate.
So, is there a Batak history?
Yes, there have been some ingenious attempts by Batak authors to extend the known story back in time to the sixteenth century, even if this has not yet made a significant impact on the received history of the professionals. Yet even these Batak labours remain a somewhat perverse attempt to make Batak history more like every other civilizational story, with a respectable state to give it meaning.
Should not the glory of the Bataks be rather their success in managing without states, and the real challenge of the Batak historian be to show how social and economic history could for once be written without the distorting lens of state-imposed hierarchies?
It is not an easy task, but I believe that there is much that can be done. Let me end with just three avenues which seem particularly promising, if challenging.
The difficult Batak manuscripts, the pustaha. They have so far seemed so difficult and so ahistorical as not to repay sustained effort to master their contents. Yet the claims of Parlindungan/Poortman are so suggestive, those of Sitor Situmorang so ingenious, that somebody ought to follow these tracks systematically, to establish what can be known about the connections with Islam, with Aceh and Barus, and with the east coast; what can be saidabout the Padri incursion and the social upheavals they brought, and what was the dynamic of Batak society in that century before Christianisation.
The ‘underside’ of history can be accessed through the slaves who found their way to Melaka, Padang, Batavia, Penang and Singapore. There is an unfortunate avoidance of this feature by nationalist historians, though the documents are richer on slaves than any other non-elite category. It may well be, for example, that the Sumatran slave who accompanied Magellan around the world, Enrique, was as much a Batak as anybody at that time.42 Penang in 1835 counted 561Bataks among its population, and some did enter into court and other records before being assimilated into Malay or Chinese populations.43
A fuller examination of material culture, including the textiles which Sandy Niessen used to such effect; the systems of trade and exchange which effectively united the coastal regions and the interior of Sumatra in an efficient four-day market cycle;44 and the ritual systems which helped establish the coherence of Batak society.
By these and other means our successors may eventually reveal through Batak history how to truly write a history without states. I wish them well.
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